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Car Two, 11:30

"Do you know what they tried to do?" says Mr. Nilsen to his wife, at high volume.
"They tried to take my kid, that's what they did."

Sara nudges Colin and motions for him to listen. Ada pulls on her headphones and turns the volume up loud.

"So we waited in line for what must have been an hour. I think the guy must have been going slow on purpose.

"They've been gone ten minutes," says Sara to Colin, sotto voce.

"And we get up to the front and for some plastic knives and forks, and some paper plates, and the guy has the nerve to say that they don't have any. In fact, he says that even if they did, they couldn't give them out without a purchase.
"So I talk to him for a while, giving him a piece of mind, when the conductor shows up. He must have hit some panic button or something.
"We'd just stopped at Baltimore, and the conductor asks me to step off on the platform with him. What do you think he was going to do? He was going to get me onto the platform, and then the train was going to leave. Then they would have had Billy. They were going to put him foster care. But I didn't fall for it. I picked up Billy and brought him right back here."

Sara can't help herself anymore. She starts to laugh audibly. Colin nudges her to try to get her to shut up.
"What?" she says in a loud whisper, between giggle, "He can't hear me, and even if he could, he doesn't know why I'm laughing.

She is interrupted by the loud speaker:
"All passengers for New York should de-train in Newark and ride the PATH train in to New York City. I repeat, all New York passengers de-train in Newark."

Route Map

Dramatis Personae

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