cafe car1 car2

Car Two, 12:30

The car is mainly empty. Ada, Sara, one of the Germans and Ian are on the platform talking to the conductor trying to see what is going on. Colin is off in the cafe car.

Dalton is still glued to his seat, afraid to get up and leave his bag, afraid to carry it with him in an obvious way. He has decided to stay on the train no matter what. After a time he cracks open the bag, and peers inside, confirming what he already knew.

An elderly man who has been asleep the entire ride wakes and turns to Dalton.
"What's going on?" he asks.
"The conductor said there is something wrong with the bridge up ahead. Some people are going to New York on the PATH train."
"That doesn't sound very good at all. I wonder what's wrong."
"I don't even want to know."

At this point, a large group comes back into the car. Sara and Ian each settle back down, while the Nilsens and the Germans gather their belongings to take on the PATH train.

Route Map

Dramatis Personae

Train Information