Somewhere between Rome and Perugia...  
On a train 

5 June 

Oh my aching head.  Again!  Wow, the trip's not even halfway over and this is the second big hangover I've had.  Urgh.  And we're on a stuffy little train. Again.  This time bound for Perugia. 

What can I do?  I didn't bring any good reading. I didn't bring a Walkman.  I feel like I want to die.  Argh!  I know, I’ll find cool stuff to do in Perugia.  Where was that guidebook?  Oh here it is.  (This damn pencil is crappy too.) 
Umbria Museum?  I don’t THINK so.  WHO would ever go to a night exhibition of paintings?  Nights are reserved.  Although with how I feel now I don't know how well I'll be able to cope with another serious night out tonight. 

What the hell is Rob so skittish about?  He's looking out the damn train window like there's a thousand-dollar bill stuck to the outside of it.  Oh I remember.  We're passing Leigh's train sometime and he was psyched on the good karma or something about being so close to her, but was ticked off because he won't actually see her.  You'd think the man would learn.  Leigh dissed him on the phone last night by basically ignoring him and here he is panting at the window.   I wonder if poor Sabrina gets the same type of thing from Leigh.  Yikes!  Maybe she and I will have to let these two destroy each other in painful tenderness while we go out and have a good time! 

Oh, I guess that was the train Rob was watching for.  All gone now.  OK, let's get back to the problem at hand... 

What Rob?  Oh, yeah, I almost have our plan for Perugia down pat.