Somewhere between Perugia and Capri...  
On a train 

5 June 

We're on another train!  This time headed south to Rome.  I have it all worked out from these timetables.  We should pass right by Rob and Erik on their train! 

Sabrina, isn’t it neat that...  Oh, she's asleep already. 

Well, looking at this, and I'm assuming the guys are on the InterCity train, which makes most sense.  It would have left Rome at 7:35 this morning... That means I have to think a bit to work out when we'd pass them... 

Hmmm... It looks to be at, well, at 8:47.  It's now almost that time... ... 

Ok, It’s 8:45, any minute we should pass them. They're heading up to Perugia.  WHY didn't we decide to meet up sooner!  This is killing me! 

Here it is!  We're crossing paths with a fast-moving train going in the opposite direction, and I make it ... 8:48.  It's a blur!  Rob must be in there somewhere!  And there it goes... 

Too bad it was far too fast to see anyone in the windows.  That MUST have been them!  I can't believe I miss Rob so much and I was just SO close to him, no more than 20 feet but I didn't see him and couldn't talk to him...  It makes me want to SCREAM.  Now he's going to exactly the same place we were, even the same hostel... it's the only one in town.  Why aren't we traveling together?! 

Well, it's too late now. I guess I should probably join Sabrina in dreamland if I want to be awake to switch trains to go further south and hit the beaches later!