Florence, Italy 
Night, on a bench in a piazza

8 June 

Ah, Florence.  I love this city so much.  Seems Rob and Leigh do as well... they've run off to the cathedral or something.  I suppose we shan't bother them.  So Erik and I have been more or less in our own little club, and you know what, he's really rather cute!  Not at all unattractive... He's trying to be a tough one but I can tell he's not so tough inside.  I'd like to draw him out a little.  And how romantic!  Here we are on a bench in one of the most gorgeous cities in the world.  He wants to go clubbing but I'd rather sit and talk to him.

Erik, what do you think about getting some ice cream?

Yes, he even knows the Italian name for it...  Ah.

Our traveling companions are fairly into eachother, wouldn't you say?

I'd like to be like that with Erik!

Oh no, it looks like he's getting up to go... Oh!  The gelatti!  I'd just forgotten, how silly of me.  How can I keep him here, I just want to sit.

Oh dear, he's noticed how I'm looking at him.  It's maybe now or never...?  I can try to reach for his hand.
I'm so nervous.

He took my hand!  I cannot believe this.  This could be the start of something great...?  My head isn't on my shoulders, I don't know what's happening but it feels nice... For once I can let go... what a wonderful trip this turning out to be!