Phil's speech on camera:

Once again the eyes of the nation have turned to this tiny village in western Pennsylvania blah blah blabla. There is no way that this winter is ever going to end, as long as this Groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don't see any other way out. He has to be stopped...and I have to stop him.

Phil steals the groundhog after the ceremony and speeds off in a stolen truck. They drive out of town and Phil lets the groundhog drive, trying to teach him as they go.

"That's not bad, for a quadruped." "Don't drive angry, don't drive angry."

They drive into the quarry, then Phil revs the engine and drives them off of a cliff into the bottom of the quarry. The car goes up in a fireball and the groundhog screams.

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This is a project for 21W765j, interactive and non-linear narrative, taught by Professor Janet Murray at MIT, spring 1998.

By Jennifer Murphy