"Mouse" was written for 21W765j, a class at MIT in interactive narrative.
The idea stems from magazine personality quizzes. It is not a complete quiz, but is more of a proof of concept. The way the story works is that the choices given to you in each lexia imply one of the three possible personality types being "tested" for. So depending on which catches your attention, you make a choice towards one of the three. The end of the story depends on the choices you have made. An idea to make this work better is to have a counter that counts which of the three you have picked more often and decide which ending you get on that premise. The storyh as it stands now does not incorporate this, but depending on which trend you chose, the story leans more towards it and the trend you follow right before the ending decides which ending you get.
This is just a test of this idea and is not to be taken seriously. (*disclaimer, disclaimer, for all the lawsuit obsessive out there, hehe*)
The story suggests a way to make those tests more fun and make the choices less conscious (and, if written be some really good psychiatrist, might actually work!).

here goes.

(Prof. Murray, go here)