Sean looks again at the bottle Rachael has given him and tosses it in the trash. He walks over to the sink and submerges the mouse, holding it down in case it floats up. Rachael is about to scream at him, but is too curious to see what is going on. She and Joey come closer to take a look. The mouse struggles for a  short while, then a big bubble floats up to the surface.  It stops moving.
        "There we go." Sean says, taking it out again.
        "Are you sure it's dead?" Rachael asks.
    Sean pokes it and it doesn't respond.
        "I guess so. Heehe, murder in the first, guilty." Sean jokes.
Joey laughs.
        "Actually," Sean continues, " that might be too rough on me, let me try to redeem myself a little and give my CPR training some practice."
He puts the mouse on the table and pokes it in the ribs a few times at regular intervals. Rachael can't help laughing.
        "You look ridiculous." She tells him.
        "Hey, please, I'm trying to maintain a reputation with some humane aspect." Sean replies.
The mouse just lies motionless. Joey, realizing the whole thing is over gets up to leave.
        "Come on guys, we gotta get to work." he tells them.
Sean looks at the dead mouse, shrugs his shoulders and walks out of the kitchen.