Sean decides to give Rachael's idea a try.
        "Hey, be careful with that stuff." Joey says when he sees Sean ready to pur it all over the mouse. "You might get some in its eyes or something."
        "Just put a few drops near its feet." Rachael advises.
Sean carefully empties a little near one of its paws. The mouse twitches violently.
        "Oh shit! You're burning it." Rachael says.
He waits a few seconds then tries to lift the paw of the sheet. After a little effort, the paw comes off. Sean breathes a sigh of relief. Rachael's worry is replaced with a smile.
        "Oh cool!" Joey says, getting slightly excited.
        Sean is still too busy concentrating on his rescue efforts. He puts a piece of paper under the free paw and goes to work on the rest. He manages to free them all and smiles broadly.
        "Wow, Rache, thanks for the suggestion!"
    Rachael looks more closely a the paws, "I think his paws are kinda burnt. You better put some ointment and bandages on them and wait till he gets better before you let him go."
        "Hmm. All that care is sure to make it come back." Joey adds.
        "Well, then since we've been through so much together, I guess I might as well keep him." Sean picks up the mouse and leaves the kitchen.
    Rachael looks at Joey with a raised eyebrow. He shrugs his shoulders with a laugh and they follow Sean out.