Amber Lane
Where To Go From Here
Label:New Deal

As "Mother Nature" was about getting over the events of the past, the songs on this album are about figuring out the future. I had come to grips with having lost everything that meant anything to me, and so I began wondering what I should do now, where I should go.

I knew that music was the one thing I still had, so I looked to my songs and to my memories of my mother for help. I began to perform my songs in local clubs and coffee shops, where I was warmly received. This initial success gave me the confidence to continue playing my songs for the public, and I soon realized that this is what I really wanted to do and that I could support myself doing it. If you listen to the songs on this album, you can see that gradual realization which finally develops into jubilant celebration.

I hope that by listening to this album you can follow me through this journey of discovery and experience the emotions that I felt and worked through.

Amber Lane

All songs written by Amber Lane.