Natural Wonders

Rock bands are difficult things. True, no one said it was going to be easy. But we were wholy unprepared for the turmoil of touring. Being confined to a junk-heap of a van all day is just the tip of it. The stress of long hours, uncomfortable seats, and poor hygiene can make even the most chipper person groggy and irritable. And nothing ever goes right at the venue. Some clubs wanted to cut corners so bad that they didn't give us towels or water! With all of this working against us, we were constantly at each other's throats. It was inevitable that it would affect our music. This album developed during that horrible touring experience, and the songs reflect that anxiety. Some of the songs are explicitly about the experience: "Kiss the ground" is about the joy of getting off the van at the end of the day.

If we sound bitter, don't worry, we're still the same up-beat band from Marvel. And we still love seeing the fans--always the best part of touring. So send your name and address to our fan club and we'll keep you up-to-date with a Wonders newsletter and tour updates.

[Signatures: Amber, Luke, Nick, Eddie, Kevin]

The Natural Wonders: Amber Lane (vocals); Luke Heinz (guitar, vocals); Nick Adams (guitar); Eddie Volvo (bass); Kevin Ross (drums). All songs written by the Natural Wonders, except (*) by Nick Adams and (**) by Luke Heinz.