Rolling Stone
August 1989

Discover The Natural Wonders
By Dave Liebson

I already have my pick for album of the year--and best new artist! The band is the Natural Wonders, and their debut album, Marvel, is some of the freshest garage pop that I've ever heard. And if I can't stop raving about their disc, wait til I tell you about their live show--it's even better.

There are five musicians in the band: The young and exuberant Amber Lane provides the heart-melting vocals. Second guitarist Luke Heinz delivers the on-stage antics, while Nick Adams, on lead guitar, plays the straight man. Eddie Volvo, on bass, is the happiest bass player in music history--he can't stop smiling. And Kevin Ross holds the whole band together with his drumming.

I had a chance to talk with the Wonders after a recent show:

RS:How did the band start?
Nick:Kevin, Eddie, and I were friends in high school. We had talked about forming a band, but we never did anything about it. I was always writing songs for my guitar, though. Then Eddie introduced us to Luke, who had this burning desire to play in a band and become a rock star...
Luke:Yeah, I motivated those lame butts to actually bring all their gear together in one place and practice.
N:We weren't that great, but we continued to practice.
L:Hey, I was good.
N:We didn't know good until we found Amber. Kevin took his clothes to a local laundromat...
Kevin:And I heard this incredible female voice coming from the back. And I went around, like, to see who it was, and there was this beautiful girl there just singing away as if she was the only person in the place. I brought her to our practice and she just blew the other guys away.
N:Right, so we had a band. I don't think it ever occurred to us then that we needed a name. We were just practicing--I don't think we had any idea what we were practicing for. When Luke got us a gig at the Brewery, they asked us for a name and it finally dawned on us. I suggested we call ourselves the Natural Flavors.
A:He got it from the ingredients on a Sprite can.
N:Does it matter where I got it? I thought it was a cool name. I still do, but these dorks thought it was too sexually suggestive. They changed it to the Natural Wonders. It makes us sound so wholesome. I still think we should be the Flavors.
RS:Have you scheduled that national tour, yet?
L:Not yet, but our record company wants to see us tour--to promote the album, right--so we're hoping we can get them to pay for it. I think we're all ready to jump in a van and go.
A:Yeah, I want to get out this place.
N:Touring will let us see all the fans out there that made this record such a hit. I'm looking forward to hanging out with all our fans.