Rolling Stone
January 1996

Wonder Woman
By Dave Liebson

Pieces, the Natural Wonders' latest album, has been a tremendous success. It is, sadly, the band's last album with Nick Adams, whose life was cut short last year due to injuries sustained during a bar fight. Many are already calling this "the Natural Wonders' last album." We at Rolling Stone decided to get the story straight from the horse's mouth. And what a beautiful horse she is--here are excerpts from an interview with vocalist Amber Lane.

RS:What do you miss most about Nick?
Amber:The way he could connect with people, so effortlessly. He was always helping people, even when we were, like, out on the road and it was a had house, he could find time for the kids who would hang around after the show. He'd show them the whole operation or maybe go out for coffee or something, and keep them out of trouble. It was really amazing.
RS:Was there any reservation about releasing this album?
A:No, I don't think so. Actually, I think we had to do it. These were songs that we were working on, all three of us, before--you know. And we couldn't just leave the album half finished. It would be like when you hear about parents who lose their children and then leave the kid's room exactly as it was, like a shrine. We couldn't do that. We needed to work through it, and get on with life. The album is called "pieces" because we were picking up the pieces.
RS:Are there any more plans for the Wonders? More albums, maybe? Or is the band officially defunct?
A:The big question! It's hard to imagine the Wonders without Nick. We were able to release Pieces, and put Nick's name on it, because most of it was done before he left us. I don't know that we could make another CD without him. And, there's still the question of would we? Are we honoring or insulting Nick by using the band's name. We haven't answered that yet. So, officially, we're still a band.
RS:Are you working on any side projects?
A:You didn't believe my answer to your last question? Yeah, I've been writing some songs of my own. For the last few months, we've had a mission, which took over our lives, and it was to finish this album and dedicate it to Nick. Somehow, during that time, I was able to compose some songs--maybe it was part of coping with the loss. And it has been strange lately, living without such a clear mission. I don't know where I'll end up, but it's possible these songs could become the next Wonders album. But they're personal songs, so it's hard to think of them as anything but my own.
RS:Are they real departures from the kind of music that the Wonders have traditionally made?
A:Luke once said that there was nothing real in our music. To some extent, he was probably right. I've learned what real emotion is, and it has changed my relationship to music. The songs I've written are about very personal issues, like losing Nick and lusting over Luke and missing my mom. So they are, yeah, a departure from previous Wonders music.
RS:Have you spoken with your mom lately?
A:No. I got a letter from her, though, when she heard about Nick's death. I wondered how she got my address, then I read the letter, and it turns out Nick visited her once. That bastard! I guess he was trying to get us back on speaking terms, or something. But--jeez, why am I telling you this?
RS:Because, deep down inside you actually miss your mother and, now that things are so up in the air, you are thinking of visiting her.
A:If you're so psychic, why do you need me for this interview?