Rolling Stone
March 1997

It Ain't Easy Being Green
By Dave Liebson

Marcus Smyth, ex-drummer for Luke Heinz's band, The Stomach Contents, has released an exquisite collection of ballads on Backyard Records, called Standard Green. On all ten original tracks, Marcus plays an acoustic guitar and sings with an incredible voice, which was never given the opportunity to shine during his time with the Contents. Marcus tells his story in this exclusive interview with Rolling Stone:

RS:Why did you leave the Stomach Contents?
Marcus:It just didn't feel right any more. I'm not sure it ever was right for me. And I couldn't stand looking at Eddie any more. I couldn't forgive him for Nick's death.
RS:How's that?
M:He started the fight that got Nick killed. I think Nick was trying to help Eddie with his drug problem, but Eddie must have gotten all defensive or something, so he started swinging. It turned into a brawl, and that's when Nick got knocked on his head.
RS:Did you know Nick?
M:Kinda. I went to some of the Natural Wonders' early shows. I hung around after a show once and Nick saw me and we got to talking. I was a really confused kid. I didn't have any friends cause I didn't fit in anywhere. And I thought I knew what I was doing, chasing rock groups around. But Nick convinced me to do something with my life, so I kept studying music. I thought maybe I'd be in a band someday. When I heard about Luke needing a drummer, I jumped at the chance. I thought that was what I wanted. But I didn't fit in there either.
RS:Your solo album is very promising. Do you think this is where you belong?
M:I don't know. I don't feel any different than I did when I joined the Contents. Is something supposed to click? How do I tell when I've found my calling?
RS:I'm afraid I can't help you.
M:That's alright.
RS:Do you think the Contents will get by without you?
M:I'm sure. They've got an album in the works. And they can just replace me with a drum machine. Luke will probably start blaming me for all their problems now, though.