pandemonium books and games, 5.55pm

...I wish I could find some people to play this with...this is a really neat expansion to the original universe. I just have trouble 'listening' to more than one person at a time. There's some great flight mechanics in this book too. As a misfit haven, the bookstore begins to depress me, but I linger on, checking out the bulletin board in dismal recognition of the fact that even if I do find a Vampire group, I doubt I'll be able to keep up with it. Suddenly I spot something more promising. It's an ad for an internet vampire roleplaying group. I tear off a little stub with information about it... 
...No sign of Alex, but his shift is really soon. I get my packet back in order, and mentally check over all the stuff in the car. I even remembered to bring a swimsuit for the hot tub. I doubt I'll impress many babes, as suave as I look in my B5 uniform. But it's worth a try, I guess. That kid is still back there, reading the Vampire expansion book. I don't care too much, since the other copies are shrink-wrapped. We usually unwrap one so you can check it out. I mean, it would suck if you bought a game, then found out that the combat rules were really stupid...