This is a play written as a series of vignettes
of different people (all played by the same actress) who at first seem unrelated
to one another.
Watch or read the play, paying attention to the interconnections among the
characters, and to the tag words or common references used to allow the
viewer/reader to make the connections.
Make a small html project (minimum of 5
lexia or web pages) that represents some aspect of the play's weblike story
structure. You can make each lexia represent a segment of the text or a
place or a character or any other story element. Pay attention to what you
choose for hot words. The goal is to create part of a digital interface
to the story that will entice the reader to move further into it, and will
make clear the connections among the different parts. We will look at all
the projects together in class.
Bring the text to class.