MIT 21W765/21L49

Non-Linear and Interactive Narrative: Theory and Practice

Spring 1997

Janet H. Murray

Project I Assignment

For March 5 Class:

Prepare at least 5 sample lexia (screen-chunked sections of text) that will demonstrate the basic screens design(s) for your Project. Although all the links do not have to be working, nor all the content in place, you should be able to describe how the navigation will work, and how you will define the boundaries of the story.

Since this is a large class, we will have to limit the time per project, so be prepared with a particular question to ask the group for advice about.

For March 12:

Hand in Project I. We will devote the class to reading and critiquing one another's projects. The story should be 15-30 lexia. It can be an original story or an electronic presentation of an existing story including one of the stories we have discussed in class.

The story may be modelled on one of the following forms (or come up with your own):

1. A labyrinth with forking paths (or a web with multiple threads)
2. A journey
3. Avisit to a simulated place
4. A dictionary or encyclopedia
5. A combination of the above

It should satisfy the following conditions:

1. The writing must be appropriate to the form, pleasurable, and carefully proofread.

2. The story or fictional world must be complete in itself (although it can also be part of a larger whole).

3. There must be at least 3 distinct paths through the narrative web.

4. The story should use 3 or more of the following devices:


5. Your design should indicate the interactor's location and the extent of the narrative in all appropriate places. (You may choose to be deceptive, but you must come up with an explicit design.)

Handing In Stories On-Line

All stories must be handed in to the course locker by noon on March 12. I will establish a folder called ProjectOne_SP97 to receive them.

You may set the permissions on your folder so that only you can write to it. The parent folder will give everyone in the class read/write permission and the WORLD read permission. YOU MAY NOT WANT THIS for your story. You can choose to limit read permission to the class if you wish. You may also write a story that you do not want to share with the class. If that is the case, you may hand it into a folder for my eyes only (see me about this).

USE LOCAL ADDRESSING FOR YOUR LINKS, and put the top level of your project into a folder with a title that includes your name and a word of description, such as jhmurray_BronxStory. Make a TITLE PAGE for the story and label it index.html. Include a link to the course home page on your title page.


Assessment Criteria

I will be looking at your stories with particular assessment criteria in mind.

Project Assignment Criteria


Interactive Fiction Syllabus / Spring 1997