1 Her Commitment to Him

It was about 12:15 on a warm Thursday night in August. I drove my cab down the street, humming to the tune on the radio as I aproached my detination.

By the time I reached the Sheriton, it had started raining. The windshield wipers slid back and forth in front of my face as the door opened and two passangers crawled in. The woman was helping the man who was limping. He had obviously just been in a fight.

"23 Sandy Lane please," said the gentleman.

"Sure thing buddy." I spat out my usual reply as I began driving and listening to the conversation unfolding in the back seat.

"I can't belive he hit you," the woman said as she caressed the gentleman's head.

"I told you he was a nutcase Laura. Imagine getting so upset about a little greeting."

"I know! It's not like he didn't know that we were still seeing each other. Tom is just a jealous fool."

"I never understood what you saw in him."

"I'm not sure anymore," she sighed, "I'm just glad that we are through now."

"i promise I will never treat you like that."

"Thnak you," she rested her head on his shoulder and curled up next to him. They just sat there, holding each othe rin silence for the rest of the ride.