Interactive Narrative: Theory and Practice

| Syllabus | Readings | Project Assignments | 21w765j / 21L489 (U); 21L989 (G)

Lab for April 8, 1999 Week 9

Using what you've learned about making and altering images and animated gifs, create at least two versions of a single character's image, or two separate gif-animations of the same character. Your two images or animated-gifs should be clearly expressing a different event or emotion. Hint: Use the animated gifs I have placed in the course locker. See links to "local versions" in last section of this page.)

IF Time Permits...

Using CharacterMaker3, enter with the username lab9 and the password twins

Create a short dialogue using these two (or more) images. Make the change dramatic.

When you change images, remember to indicate whether the new image should become the new default.


You can use smiley faces, drawn in Illustrator. You can scan in two or more drawn images.

Or you can use or modify some of the clip art selections linked here. Remember you can alter them using Photoshop, Illustrator, or Fireworks. You may want to use layers for changing details of a larger unchanged picture.

You may work on multiple images for your existing contest character file if you prefer.

Best Sources of Clip Art (stills and a-gifs)

Mining Company Clip Art: People

Hot Bot Clip Art List:

Artie Romero Gallery (see examplesbelow)

Examples of Still Image Clip Art

Simple smiley faces (small)

These are small icons, but they suggest what expressions you can create with just smiley faces


Small heads and eyes, icon-size but could be enlarged. Note sillouhets


larger comic heads-only pictures

Cheryl's 100% Original Art Image Gallery

has clip art faces and face and body parts to mix and match and modify.

Art Images on the Web (especially fairy tale and fantasy images)

Examples of Animated Gif Clip Art

animated gifs from (Artie Romero Graphics)

Grandpa Tips his Straw Hat

by W. Kirk Kennedy 95k

from, Artie Romero Graphics

"grandpa tips straw hat" , also local version

This animated gif has many frames, which could be combined in multiple ways.

Computer Man Reading, also local version

eyes only move

Owl in Tux by Don Mangan and Artie Romero, also local version

Vickie the Tour Guide

V Jee Lee, Tara DeLong, and Artie Romero

multiple sizes, stills, and aninmated gifs of same character, from

including many small talking heads, and a larger a-gif of Vickie walking off screen

(local version of Vicki walking, and local version still of animated talking head)

Note there is nothing "tour guide" specific about Vicki.