Interactive Narrative: Theory and Practice

| Syllabus | Readings | Project Assignments | 21w765j / 21L489 (U); 21L989 (G)

Dr. Janet H. Murray

Chatterbot In-Class Assignment March 30, 1999


To converse with automated characters and observe what makes for a coherent conversation.

Exercise 1: ELIZA

On Athena, bring up the emacs word processor by typing

Within emacs do:

escape-x doctor

This will bring up a version of Eliza. Talk to her. Save your best conversation. (Control-X Control-S to save; Control-X Control-C to quit emacs)

Alternate: Eliza via telnet.


Also in emacs type
escape--x yow

Observe and save the results. Now do this

escape-x psychoanalyze-pinhead

Control-g. will end this routine. Again, observe the successful interchanges -- the ones that were believable or amusing, that made it seem as if there was conprehension between the two characters.


Exercise 2: Chatterbots

Play with the Alice, Maur, or the other chatterbots on this website of the Communication Research Centre's CHAT project. Note that these characters are based on a hypertext model of conversation. Cut and paste your conversation as you go to save it to file.