
Oooh I just can't wait the feel his arms around me again.

Hi? Is that all I get after 6 months? A simple hi?!

Augh! Sometimes he's such a log!

Sorry. I mean I missed you.
Yeah well I missed you too. Really really missed you. Don't just stand there! Kiss me.

Oh I've been wanting this for so long.

They k iss

Hmm..maybe I'm imagining it but he feels kind of distant. He's not all there.

Are you okay hon? Everything alright?
Yeah. Yeah. Just still a bit shocked I guess. It's been so long.

What's wrong with this boy? He should be all over me.

Hey I'm thirsty. Let me get us some drinks. Stay right here ok?
Um, ok, thanks.

There's something wrong. I can just feel it.
