Ugh you wouldn't believe what just happened..
Devin who was that girl you were just talking to? You haven't been seeing anyone while I was gone have you?

Oh please don't say it.

Sorry. She's an old girlfriend. No one to worry about.
How come I never heard about her? Devin is everything alright between us?

Ok I'm starting to freak out here. I should stop questioning.

Uh sure. What's on your mind?
Well it seems you've changed somehow. Or like you're treating me differently.

I can't help it though. Must know.

Stop it. You're driving me crazy. I just
Sorry I didn't mean to imply anything. It's just that

Arrggh he's being evasive again.

Look Brinlee. I need to get out of here. Need some time to myself.
What? Wait you can't just run off like that. Talk to me!
