Ugh you wouldn't believe what just happened..
Devin who was that girl you were just talking to? You haven't been seeing anyone while I was gone have you?

Whoa easy there. Don't go psycho on me too Brinlee. I've had it with overpossessive freaks.

Sorry. She's an old girlfriend. No one to worry about.
How come I never heard about her? Devin is everything alright between us?

Ok what is she trying to get at?

Uh sure. What's on your mind?
Well it seems you've changed somehow. Or like you're treating me differently.

Nooo. What is it with all these women? Why are they always thinking crazy shit?

Stop it. You're driving me crazy. I just
Sorry I didn't mean to imply anything. It's just that

Arrgh. Fuck it. It's hot in here. I need to get out of here!

Look Brinlee. I need to get out of here. Need some time to myself.
What? Wait you can't just run off like that. Talk to me!
