
Ugh god here that guy comes again.

Hi! Can I offer you this hankerchief. Looks like you need it.
Oh um.


I see you were talking to Devin. Whatever he said don't let it bother you. He can be a hurtful bastard sometimes. I should know. I've known him since we were kids.
How unfortunate.

At least he's nice.

By the way I'm Nathan. The guy that tried to talk to you earlier.
Yeah I remember. Sorry for being so cold earlier. My name's Karina.

God I hate Devin!

Sooo..uh sorry you know. about earlier. I really didn't know what to say so I felt kinda awkward. What I do know is that I saw you back there and you were so beautiful I felt compelled to talk to you.
Ha. I don't know what to say.

GOD I wanna kill Devin!

Hey can I get you something to drink?
Uh yeah sure. I'd appreciate that.
