
Hey she's crying. Could it have been Devin?

Hi! Can I offer you this hankerchief. Looks like you need it.
Oh um.

Console her somehow.

I see you were talking to Devin. Whatever he said don't let it bother you. He can be a hurtful bastard sometimes. I should know. I've known him since we were kids.
How unfortunate.

There's some truth to that.

By the way I'm Nathan. The guy that tried to talk to you earlier.
Yeah I remember. Sorry for being so cold earlier. My name's Karina.

Hey a chance. Leap at it.

Sooo..uh sorry you know. about earlier. I really didn't know what to say so I felt kinda awkward. What I do know is that I saw you back there and you were so beautiful I felt compelled to talk to you.
Ha. I don't know what to say.

Umm..what else? What else?

Hey can I get you something to drink?
Uh yeah sure. I'd appreciate that.
