
She looks like a Sarah McLachlan fan..maybe?

Here you are. A drink to drown your sorrows in. You can have mine too.
If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get me drunk.

Should I try and bring that up? I love Sarah McLachlan.

Uh no just trying to help out.
Thanks I appreciate that.

Gosh she's so beautiful.

You're beautiful.

I said you're beautiful.

Sooo..Something tells me you're a Sarah McLachlan fan
What how did you know?

Hey..I'm onto something here.

I just do. I have the uncanny ability to sense these things.
Yeah? What else can you sense?

Hey do I smell smoke?

Uh. That there's a fire in the kichen.
Yeah ok.

Oh my gosh I got to get her outta here.

No really. Look. Shit let's get outta here.
Oh my god. Help me get outta here.
