Talking to the Cyclops in apparently its own language, the priest loudly yells at the Cyclops on the bridge. First, the Cyclops seems confused. Then, he shrugs his shoulders and walks off. After coming back to his partner, he says, "See, all he needed was the good word of the Lord, and he found the error of his ways."

Once past the Cyclops, the duo could focus on the journey past the bridge and into the threatening woods ahead. Moriander Forest is a dense forest of ancient evergreens, that because of its vast and dark nature, has become home to theives, highwaymen, and other villians who go bump in the night. Many people warn of entering into the woods at any time of day, but especially at night. Sunset is only moments away. Wouldn't it be useful if someone could sneak silently into the forest and preemptively get rid of any villians in the way.

"Hmmm.... I have an idea. We can enter the forest with these hooded robes on, and I can preach the holiness of lep... I mean... shepards to ward off the thieves." says the priest.

Thinking quickly, the archer says, "With my keen eyesight, I am sure that I can get us through the forest by avoiding all signs of the Guild... of... bad guys."

Disguise as shepards

Let the archer guide