Body Enhancing Drugs


Creatine is important in helping to achieve optimal benefits from athletic training programs. Supplementation is essential in assuring meaningful levels suitable to achieving target benefits. As part of a training program, creatine supplementation may be expected to help with increased endurance, overall work potential, increased muscle speed, and increased muscle definition. Exercise or work done by the muscles is essential in achieving these effects.

Suggested Use: For muscle training, use one heaping teaspoonful four times a day during a five day loading cycle and then one heaping teaspoonful daily after exercise during the maintenance cycle for the long term.


Creatine is a product which is naturally produced by the body in the liver and kidneys from the amino acids glycine, arginine (two amino acids contained in large amounts in AminoLyze) and methionine. In normal metabolic processes, creatine combines with phosphoric acid to form creatine phosphate, also called phosphocreatine, which is then stored in muscle tissue. It then acts as a quick-responding reservoir which allows rapid energy release when needed. Initially, muscles release energy when stored ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is broken down to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). This initial release of energy is for short-term usage, providing on the order of 10 to 15 seconds of muscle energy availability. Thereafter, the muscles replenish their supply of the quick energy-releasing ATP by utilizing the stored phosphocreatine. The larger the reservoir of stored phosphocreatine, the greater the capacity and efficiency of work performance available from the muscle. In the absence of adequate phosphocreatine, ATP reserves become depleted. Unfortunately, as phosphocreatine is destroyed by the gut, assurance of appropriate levels of creatine is of concern, especially to athletes and body builders seeking high levels of continuous performance. After utilization, creatine is broken down by the kidneys and excreted in the urine as the similarly spelled "creatinine." Continued muscle function in the absence of adequate ATP supply leads to fatigue, which may be manifested as muscle soreness, reduced muscular strength, reduced endurance, and increased difficulty in maintaining continuous muscle exertion without frequent rest periods.


Skeletal muscle itself does not produce creatine, but utilizes the creatine originating in the liver and kidneys. Rich dietary sources of creatine include red muscle meats (beef) as well as fish. Creatine, however, is sensitive to heat and cooking, and the full amounts available in these food sources may be reduced during normal preparation.


Athletes seeking to build their endurance levels frequently supplement with creatine. They are motivated by several main goals: (1) increased endurance, (2) increased overall work potential, (3) increased speed of muscular action, and (4) the potential to further increase muscle mass. Associated benefits may include increased contractile power, reduced muscle fatigue, accelerated muscle development, and increased muscle torque (twist) capacity. Using weight lifting as an example, increased endurance comes with increased energy stores, allowing longer work-out sessions. With Creatinepure, overall work potential is also increased, allowing, for example, the use of equipment of increasing weight. Increased speed of movement may follow. And the weight lifter may anticipate increased overall lean body muscle mass, as well as more visually observable and delineated musculature in those areas of focused training. The latter effect is heightened by creatine's tendency to temporarily increase water retention in muscle tissue.


DHEA is a hormone which is produced by the adrenal gland. The body can convert this hormone into other types of hormone, such as testosreone, corticosterone etc, on demand. In the past it has been used as an anti-aging drug. In medical tests it has been shown to increase lifespan in lab rats, protection against viral infections and incresed memory functions. Also tests carried out on humans show significant reductions in body fat, and increased muscle tissue.

Manufactures claim a 31% reduction in bodyfat, and 20% increase in muscle tissue over a 28 day period. They also say that it increases testosterone levels by 4.7 times, increases sex drive, non-toxic and totaly safe to use.

Up until recently DHEA used to be a prescription only drug, but now the FDA has de-classified it as a dietry supplement.

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