
Monday (Legs)

Exercies Set# Rep#


Squats 3x 10,8,6
Hamstring Curls 3x 8-12
Calf Raises 3x 12-20
Lunges 3x 8-10

Tuesday (Chest)


Bench press 3x 12,8,6
Incline Press 3x 12,8,6
Fly Machine 3x 8-10
Dumbbell Flies 2x 8-10

Wednesday (Back)

Front Pulldowns 3x 8-10
Pullovers 3x 8-10
Stiff Pulldowns 1x 8-10
Back Pulldowns 3x 8-10
Low Pulley Row 2x 8-10
T-bar Row 2 x 8-10

Thursday (Triceps & Biceps)


Cable Tricep Extensions 3x 12,8,6
Dips 3x Personal Adjustment
Tricep Extensions 2x 8-10


Barbell Curls 3x 12,8,6
Preacher Curls 3x 12,8,6
Dumbell Curls 3x 12,8,6

Friday (Shoulders & Pullups)


Dumbell Military Press 3x 12,8,6
Lateral Raises 3x 12-20
Front Raises 3x 12-20
Pull up 3x Personal Adjustment

Generally, exercises should be done in three sets starting at a low weight and high reps and move toward a high weight with low reps.

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