Docs: Changes: 2.1.5
CHANGES in PETSc 2.1.5
- Replace autoconf-configure with python-configure. Tested on Linux,
IRIX, Alpha-OSF, Mac OSX
- Added PETSc interface to UMFPACK (Seq)
- SuperLU & SuperLU_DIST insterface is updated to the latest download
versions. Complex version of these packages are now supported.
- Added Support for QR factorization into PETSc/SPOOLES interface (Seq)
- Added Support for installing PETSc with TAU instrumentation package.
Please check config files in bmake/linux_tau.
- Added support for Cray SX-6 vector machine
- Added VecMaxPointwiseDivide()
- Added MatTranspose() for SBAIJ
- Added MatConvert_SeqAIJ_SeqSBAIJ()
- Added MatGetInertia()
- Added MatAXPY() to SBAIJ and BAIJ mat formats
- Added MatSetValuesBlocked() for SEQSBAIJ and MPISBAIJ formats
- Improved single precision SSE factorization routines
- Added scalable parallel binary viewer for MPIAIJ matrix
- Added ICC preconditioner support for MATSEQAIJ
- PCSetUp() now defaults to ICC for SBAIJ
- BoomerAMG preconditioner now defaults to zero initial guess
- Added GetTotalBlocks() and GetLocalBlocks() to PCBJacobi
- Improved LU and ILU damping for AIJ matrix type
- New factorization damping policy (check manual)
- Turned off logging of objects and actions by default - saves
memory usage
- Reduce memory usage for DA and SDA objects
- Support generation of SBAIJ matrices from DA
- Added f90 support for intel compilers on linux and linux64