
Partitions across a given key (for example cells), then partitions a segment (for example vertices) subservient to that key.


#include "petscao.h"  
int AODataPartitionAndSetupLocal(AOData ao,char *keyname,char *segmentname,IS *iskey,IS *issegment,ISLocalToGlobalMapping *ltog)
Collective on AOData

Input Parameters

ao - the AO database
keyname - the name of the key
segmentname - the name of the segment

Output Parameters

iskey - the local indices in global numbering of the key entries (cells). Note that these are contiguous from rstart to rend
issegment - the local indices in global numbering of the segment entries (vertices)
ltog - the local to global mapping for the segment entries (vertices)

Notes: this renumbers the key and segment entries in the AO database to reflect the new partitioning. The ltog mapping is a mapping for the issegment indices, that is ltog applied to the indices 0 to sizeof(issegment)-1 is the entries in issegment.

See Also

AODataKeyParition(), AODataSegmentPartition()

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