
Reconstruct the grid from the current description and underlying mesh boundary. The old mesh is returned if requested. This allows postprocessing of the mesh before GridReform() is called.


#include "meshMovement.h" 
#include "grid.h" 
#include "gvec.h" 
int GridReformMesh(Grid grid, PetscTruth refine, PointFunction area, PetscTruth newBd, Mesh *oldMesh)
Collective on Grid

Input Parameters

grid - The grid
refine - Flag indicating whether to refine or recreate the mesh
area - [Optional] A function which gives area constraints for refinement after reform, PETSC_NULL for no refinement
newBd - Flag to determine whether the boundary should be generated (PETSC_TRUE) or taken from storage

Output Parameter

oldMesh -The old mesh


Grid, mesh, reform, refine

See Also

MeshReform(), GridReform(), GridRefineMesh()

Index of all GVec routines
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