
This functions transfers data between local and ghost storage without a predefined mapping.


#include "grid.h" 
#include "gvec.h" 
int GridGhostExchange(MPI_Comm comm, int numGhosts, int *ghostProcs, int *ghostIndices, PetscDataType dataType,
                      int *firstVar, InsertMode addv, ScatterMode mode, void *locVars, void *ghostVars)
Collective on MPI_Comm

Input Parameters

comm - The communicator
numGhosts - The number of ghosts in this domain
ghostProcs - The processor from which to obtain each ghost
ghostIndices - The global index for each ghost
dataType - The type of the variables
firstVar - The first variable on each processor
addv - The insert mode, INSERT_VALUES or ADD_VALUES
mode - The direction of the transfer, SCATTER_FORWARD or SCATTER_REVERSE

Output Paramters

locVars - The local variable array
ghostVars - The ghost variables


The data in ghostVars is assumed contiguous and implicitly indexed by the order of ghostProcs and ghostIndices. The SCATTER_FORWARD mode will take the requested data from locVars and copy it to ghostVars in the order specified by ghostIndices. The SCATTER_REVERSE mode will take data from ghostVars and copy it to locVars.


ghost, exchange, grid

See Also

GridGlobalToLocal(), GridLocalToGlobal()

Index of all Grid routines
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