
Creates a mapping between a local (0 to n) ordering and a global parallel ordering.


#include "petscsys.h" 
#include "petscis.h"  
int ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateNC(MPI_Comm cm,int n,const int indices[],ISLocalToGlobalMapping *mapping)
Not Collective, but communicator may have more than one process

Input Parameters

comm - MPI communicator
n - the number of local elements
indices - the global index for each local element

Output Parameter

mapping -new mapping data structure

Notes: Does not copy the indices, just keeps the pointer to the indices. The ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy() will free the space so it must be obtained with PetscMalloc() and it must not be freed elsewhere.

See Also

ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()

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