
Sets KSP options from the options database. This routine must be called before KSPSetUp() if the user is to be allowed to set the Krylov type.


#include "petscksp.h" 
int KSPSetFromOptions(KSP ksp)
Collective on KSP

Input Parameters

ksp -the Krylov space context

Options Database Keys

                      convergence test (say you always want to run with 5 iterations) to 
                      save on communication overhead
                   preconditioned - default for left preconditioning 
                   unpreconditioned - see KSPSetNormType()
                   natural - see KSPSetNormType()
-ksp_max_it - maximum number of linear iterations
-ksp_rtol rtol - relative tolerance used in default determination of convergence, i.e. if residual norm decreases by this factor than convergence is declared
-ksp_atol atol - absolute tolerance used in default convergence test, i.e. if residual norm is less than this then convergence is declared
-ksp_divtol tol - if residual norm increases by this factor than divergence is declared
-ksp_norm_type - none - skip norms used in convergence tests (useful only when not using
-ksp_knoll - compute initial guess by applying the preconditioner to the right hand side
-ksp_cancelmonitors - cancel all previous convergene monitor routines set
-ksp_monitor - print residual norm at each iteration
-ksp_xmonitor - plot residual norm at each iteration
-ksp_vecmonitor - plot solution at each iteration
-ksp_singmonitor - monitor extremem singular values at each iteration


To see all options, run your program with the -help option or consult the users manual.


KSP, set, from, options, database

See Also

Index of all KSP routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages