int MatBDiagGetData(Mat mat,int *nd,int *bs,int **diag,int **bdlen,PetscScalar ***diagv)
Not Collective
diag = i/bs - j/bs (integer division)Set diag=PETSC_NULL on input for PETSc to dynamically allocate memory as needed (expensive).
m | - number of rows | |
n | - number of columns | |
nd | - number of block diagonals | |
bs | - each element of a diagonal is an bs x bs dense matrix | |
bdlen | - array of total block lengths of block diagonals | |
diag | - optional array of block diagonal numbers (length nd). For a matrix element A[i,j], where i=row and j=column, the diagonal number is | |
diagv | - pointer to actual diagonals (in same order as diag array), |
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