
Performs in-place LU factorization of matrix.


#include "petscmat.h" 
int MatLUFactor(Mat mat,IS row,IS col,MatLUInfo *info)
Collective on Mat

Input Parameters

mat - the matrix
row - row permutation
col - column permutation
info - options for factorization, includes
         fill - expected fill as ratio of original fill.
         dtcol - pivot tolerance (0 no pivot, 1 full column pivoting)
                  Run with the option -log_info to determine an optimal value to use


Most users should employ the simplified SLES interface for linear solvers instead of working directly with matrix algebra routines such as this. See, e.g., SLESCreate().

This changes the state of the matrix to a factored matrix; it cannot be used for example with MatSetValues() unless one first calls MatSetUnfactored().

See Also

MatLUFactorSymbolic(), MatLUFactorNumeric(), MatCholeskyFactor(),
MatGetOrdering(), MatSetUnfactored(), MatLUInfo

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