
Sets the nonzero structure and (optionally) arrays.


int MatSeqBDiagSetPreallocation(Mat B,int nd,int bs,int *diag,PetscScalar **diagv)
Collective on MPI_Comm

Input Parameters

    diag = i/bs - j/bs  (integer division)
Set diag=PETSC_NULL on input for PETSc to dynamically allocate memory as needed (expensive).
B - the matrix
nd - number of block diagonals (optional)
bs - each element of a diagonal is an bs x bs dense matrix
diag - optional array of block diagonal numbers (length nd). For a matrix element A[i,j], where i=row and j=column, the diagonal number is
diagv - pointer to actual diagonals (in same order as diag array), if allocated by user. Otherwise, set diagv=PETSC_NULL on input for PETSc to control memory allocation.

Options Database Keys

-mat_block_size <bs> -Sets blocksize
-mat_bdiag_diags <s1,s2,s3,...> -Sets diagonal numbers


See the users manual for further details regarding this storage format.

Fortran Note

Fortran programmers cannot set diagv; this value is ignored.


matrix, block, diagonal, sparse

See Also

MatCreate(), MatCreateMPIBDiag(), MatSetValues()

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