
Returns the local mesh in CSR format. All off processor edges are ignored, and only the symmetric part of the matrix is stored if symmetric is true.


#include "mesh.h" 
int MeshCreateLocalCSR(Mesh mesh, int *numVertices, int *numEdges, int **vertOffsets, int **vertNeighbors,
                       double **vertCoords, int numBC, int *bcNodes, PetscTruth symmetric)
Not collective

Input Parameters

mesh - The mesh
numBC - [Optional] The number of constrained nodes to be eliminated
bcNodes - [Optional] The numbers of constrained nodes
symmetric - Whether to return the entire adjacency list

Output Parameters

numVertices - The number of vertices in the graph
numEdges - The number of edges in the graph.
vertOffsets - The list of offsets into the neighbor array for each vertex
vertNeighbors - The list of vertex neighbors
vertCoords - The list of vertex coordinates


If any array, such as vertCoords, is passed as PETSC_NULL, then no return value will be calculated.


mesh, partition, CSR

See Also

MeshDestroyLocalCSR(), MeshPartition()

Index of all Mesh routines
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