
Sets a routine to check the validity of new iterate computed by the line search routine in the Newton-based method SNESLS.


int SNESSetLineSearchCheck(SNES snes,int (*func)(SNES,void*,Vec,PetscTruth*),void *checkctx)

Input Parameters

snes - nonlinear context obtained from SNESCreate()
func - pointer to int function
checkctx - optional user-defined context for use by step checking routine

Collective on SNES

Calling sequence of func

   int func (SNES snes, void *checkctx, Vec x, PetscTruth *flag)
where func returns an error code of 0 on success and a nonzero on failure.

Input parameters for func

snes - nonlinear context
checkctx - optional user-defined context for use by step checking routine
x - current candidate iterate

Output parameters for func

x - current iterate (possibly modified)
flag - flag indicating whether x has been modified (either PETSC_TRUE of PETSC_FALSE)


SNESNoLineSearch() and SNESNoLineSearchNoNorms() accept the new iterate computed by the line search checking routine. In particular, these routines (1) compute a candidate iterate u_{i+1}, (2) pass control to the checking routine, and then (3) compute the corresponding nonlinear function f(u_{i+1}) with the (possibly altered) iterate u_{i+1}.

SNESQuadraticLineSearch() and SNESCubicLineSearch() also accept the new iterate computed by the line search checking routine. In particular, these routines (1) compute a candidate iterate u_{i+1} as well as a candidate nonlinear function f(u_{i+1}), (2) pass control to the checking routine, and then (3) force a re-evaluation of f(u_{i+1}) if any changes were made to the candidate iterate in the checking routine (as indicated by flag=PETSC_TRUE). The overhead of this function re-evaluation can be very costly, so use this feature with caution!


SNES, nonlinear, set, line search check, step check, routine

See Also


Index of all SNES routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages

