Puts a Petsc object into the Matlab space. For parallel objects, each processors part is put in a seperate Matlab process.
int PetscMatlabEnginePutArray(PetscMatlabEngine mengine,int m,int n,PetscScalar *array,char *name)
Collective on PetscObject
Input Parameters
| mengine | - the Matlab engine
| m,n | - the dimensions of the array
| array | - the array (represented in one dimension)
| name | - the name of the array
See Also
PetscMatlabEngineDestroy(), PetscMatlabEngineCreate(), PetscMatlabEngineGet(),
PetscMatlabEngineEvaluate(), PetscMatlabEngineGetOutput(), PetscMatlabEnginePrintOutput(),
PETSC_MATLAB_ENGINE_(), PetscMatlabEnginePut(), MatlabEngineGetArray(), PetscMatlabEngine
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