
Creates a vector scatter context.


#include "petscvec.h" 
int VecScatterCreate(Vec xin,IS ix,Vec yin,IS iy,VecScatter *newctx)
Collective on Vec

Input Parameters

xin - a vector that defines the shape (parallel data layout of the vector) of vectors from which we scatter
yin - a vector that defines the shape (parallel data layout of the vector) of vectors to which we scatter
ix - the indices of xin to scatter
iy - the indices of yin to hold results

Output Parameter

newctx -location to store the new scatter context

Options Database Keys

-vecscatter_merge - Merges scatter send and receive (may offer better performance with some MPIs)
-vecscatter_ssend - Uses MPI_Ssend_init() instead of MPI_Send_init() (may offer better performance with some MPIs)
-vecscatter_sendfirst - Posts sends before receives (may offer better performance with some MPIs)
-vecscatter_rr - use ready receiver mode for MPI sends in scatters (rarely used)
-vecscatter_packtogether - Pack all messages before sending, receive all messages before unpacking


In calls to VecScatter() you can use different vectors than the xin and yin you used above; BUT they must have the same parallel data layout, for example, they could be obtained from VecDuplicate(). A VecScatter context CANNOT be used in two or more simultaneous scatters; that is you cannot call a second VecScatterBegin() with the same scatter context until the VecScatterEnd() has been called on the first VecScatterBegin(). In this case a separate VecScatter is needed for each concurrent scatter.

See Also


Index of all Vec routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages

