Actual source code: petscerror.h

  1: /* $Id: petscerror.h,v 1.59 2001/09/07 20:13:16 bsmith Exp $ */
  2: /*
  3:     Contains all error handling code for PETSc.
  4: */

 8:  #include petsc.h

 10: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_AMS)
 11: #include "ams.h"
 12: #endif

 14: /*
 15:    Defines the directory where the compiled source is located; used
 16:    in printing error messages. Each makefile has an entry 
 17:    LOCDIR          =  thedirectory
 18:    and bmake/common_variables includes in CCPPFLAGS -D__SDIR__='"${LOCDIR}"'
 19:    which is a flag passed to the C/C++ compilers.
 20: */
 23: #endif

 25: /*
 26:    Defines the function where the compiled source is located; used 
 27:    in printing error messages.
 28: */
 31: #endif

 33: /* 
 34:      These are the generic error codes. These error codes are used
 35:      many different places in the PETSc source code.

 37: */
 38: #define PETSC_ERR_MEM             55   /* unable to allocate requested memory */
 39: #define PETSC_ERR_MEM_MALLOC_0    85   /* cannot malloc zero size */
 40: #define PETSC_ERR_SUP             56   /* no support for requested operation */
 41: #define PETSC_ERR_SIG             59   /* signal received */
 42: #define PETSC_ERR_FP              72   /* floating point exception */
 43: #define PETSC_ERR_COR             74   /* corrupted PETSc object */
 44: #define PETSC_ERR_LIB             76   /* error in library called by PETSc */
 45: #define PETSC_ERR_PLIB            77   /* PETSc library generated inconsistent data */
 46: #define PETSC_ERR_MEMC            78   /* memory corruption */
 47: #define PETSC_ERR_MAX_ITER        82   /* Maximum iterations reached */

 49: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_SIZ         60   /* nonconforming object sizes used in operation */
 50: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_IDN         61   /* two arguments not allowed to be the same */
 51: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG       62   /* wrong argument (but object probably ok) */
 52: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT     64   /* null or corrupted PETSc object as argument */
 53: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE  63   /* input argument, out of range */
 54: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_BADPTR      68   /* invalid pointer argument */
 55: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_NOTSAMETYPE 69   /* two args must be same object type */
 56: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_NOTSAMECOMM 80   /* two args must be same communicators */
 57: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE  73   /* object in argument is in wrong state, e.g. unassembled mat */
 58: #define PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP      75   /* two arguments are incompatible */

 60: #define PETSC_ERR_FILE_OPEN       65   /* unable to open file */
 61: #define PETSC_ERR_FILE_READ       66   /* unable to read from file */
 62: #define PETSC_ERR_FILE_WRITE      67   /* unable to write to file */
 63: #define PETSC_ERR_FILE_UNEXPECTED 79   /* unexpected data in file */

 65: #define PETSC_ERR_KSP_BRKDWN      70   /* break down in a Krylov method */

 67: #define PETSC_ERR_MAT_LU_ZRPVT    71   /* detected a zero pivot during LU factorization */
 68: #define PETSC_ERR_MAT_CH_ZRPVT    81   /* detected a zero pivot during Cholesky factorization */

 70: #define PETSC_ERR_MESH_NULL_ELEM  84   /* Element had no interior */

 72: #define PETSC_ERR_DISC_SING_JAC   83   /* Singular element Jacobian */

 74: #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
 75: #define SETERRQ(n,s)              {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s);}
 76: #define SETERRQ1(n,s,a1)          {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1);}
 77: #define SETERRQ2(n,s,a1,a2)       {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1,a2);}
 78: #define SETERRQ3(n,s,a1,a2,a3)    {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1,a2,a3);}
 79: #define SETERRQ4(n,s,a1,a2,a3,a4) {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1,a2,a3,a4);}
 80: #define SETERRQ5(n,s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)       {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5);}
 81: #define SETERRQ6(n,s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6)    {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6);}
 82: #define SETERRQ7(n,s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7) {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7);}
 83: #define SETERRABORT(comm,n,s)     {PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,1,s);MPI_Abort(com,n);}

 85: #define CHKERRQ(n)             if (n) {return PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,0," ");}
 86: #define CHKERRABORT(comm,n)    if (n) {PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,0," ");MPI_Abort(comm,n);}
 87: #define CHKERRCONTINUE(n)      if (n) {PetscError(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__,n,0," ");}

 89: #define CHKMEMQ {int _7_PetscTrValid(__LINE__,__FUNCT__,__FILE__,__SDIR__);CHKERRQ(_7_ierr);}

 92: extern  int __gierr;
 93: #define _   __g
 95: #endif

 97: #else
 98: #define SETERRQ(n,s) ;
 99: #define SETERRQ1(n,s,a1) ;
100: #define SETERRQ2(n,s,a1,a2) ;
101: #define SETERRQ3(n,s,a1,a2,a3) ;
102: #define SETERRQ4(n,s,a1,a2,a3,a4) ;
103: #define SETERRABORT(comm,n,s) ;

105: #define CHKERRQ(n)     ;
106: #define CHKERRABORT(comm,n) ;
107: #define CHKERRCONTINUE(n) ;

109: #define CHKMEMQ        ;

112: #define _   
114: #endif 

116: #endif

118: EXTERN int PetscErrorMessage(int,char**,char **);
119: EXTERN int PetscTraceBackErrorHandler(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*);
120: EXTERN int PetscIgnoreErrorHandler(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*);
121: EXTERN int PetscEmacsClientErrorHandler(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*);
122: EXTERN int PetscStopErrorHandler(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*);
123: EXTERN int PetscAbortErrorHandler(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*);
124: EXTERN int PetscAttachDebuggerErrorHandler(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*);
125: EXTERN int PetscError(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,...) PETSC_PRINTF_FORMAT_CHECK(7,8);
126: EXTERN int PetscPushErrorHandler(int (*handler)(int,char*,char*,char*,int,int,char*,void*),void*);
127: EXTERN int PetscPopErrorHandler(void);
128: EXTERN int PetscDefaultSignalHandler(int,void*);
129: EXTERN int PetscPushSignalHandler(int (*)(int,void *),void*);
130: EXTERN int PetscPopSignalHandler(void);

132: typedef enum {PETSC_FP_TRAP_OFF=0,PETSC_FP_TRAP_ON=1} PetscFPTrap;
133: EXTERN int PetscSetFPTrap(PetscFPTrap);

135: /*
136:       Allows the code to build a stack frame as it runs
137: */
138: #if defined(PETSC_USE_STACK)

140: #define PETSCSTACKSIZE 15

142: typedef struct  {
143:   char *function[PETSCSTACKSIZE];
144:   char *file[PETSCSTACKSIZE];
145:   char *directory[PETSCSTACKSIZE];
146:   int  line[PETSCSTACKSIZE];
147:   int  currentsize;
148: } PetscStack;

150: extern PetscStack *petscstack;
151: EXTERN int PetscStackCopy(PetscStack*,PetscStack*);
152: EXTERN int PetscStackPrint(PetscStack*,FILE* fp);

154: #define PetscStackActive (petscstack != 0)

156: #if !defined(PETSC_HAVE_AMS)

159:   {
160:    if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize < PETSCSTACKSIZE)) {    
161:     petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize]  = __FUNCT__; 
162:     petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]      = __FILE__; 
163:     petscstack->directory[petscstack->currentsize] = __SDIR__; 
164:     petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize]      = __LINE__; 
165:     petscstack->currentsize++; 
166:   }}

168: #define PetscStackPush(n) 
169:   {if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize < PETSCSTACKSIZE)) {    
170:     petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize]  = n; 
171:     petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]      = "unknown"; 
172:     petscstack->directory[petscstack->currentsize] = "unknown"; 
173:     petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize]      = 0; 
174:     petscstack->currentsize++; 
175:   }}

177: #define PetscStackPop 
178:   {if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0) {     
179:     petscstack->currentsize--; 
180:     petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize]  = 0; 
181:     petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]      = 0; 
182:     petscstack->directory[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; 
183:     petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize]      = 0; 
184:   }};

186: #define PetscFunctionReturn(a) 
187:   {
188:   PetscStackPop; 
189:   return(a);}

191: #define PetscFunctionReturnVoid() 
192:   {
193:   PetscStackPop; 
194:   return;}

196: #else

198: /*
199:     Duplicate Code for when the ALICE Memory Snooper (AMS)
200:   is being used. When PETSC_HAVE_AMS is defined.

202:      stack_mem is the AMS memory that contains fields for the 
203:                number of stack frames and names of the stack frames
204: */

206: extern AMS_Memory stack_mem;
207: extern int        stack_err;

210:   {
211:    if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize < PETSCSTACKSIZE)) {    
212:     if (!(stack_mem < 0)) stack_err = AMS_Memory_take_access(stack_mem);
213:     petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize]  = __FUNCT__; 
214:     petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]      = __FILE__; 
215:     petscstack->directory[petscstack->currentsize] = __SDIR__; 
216:     petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize]      = __LINE__; 
217:     petscstack->currentsize++; 
218:     if (!(stack_mem < 0)) stack_err = AMS_Memory_grant_access(stack_mem);
219:   }}

221: #define PetscStackPush(n) 
222:   {if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize < PETSCSTACKSIZE)) {    
223:     if (!(stack_mem < 0)) stack_err = AMS_Memory_take_access(stack_mem);
224:     petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize]  = n; 
225:     petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]      = "unknown"; 
226:     petscstack->directory[petscstack->currentsize] = "unknown"; 
227:     petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize]      = 0; 
228:     petscstack->currentsize++; 
229:     if (!(stack_mem < 0)) stack_err = AMS_Memory_grant_access(stack_mem);
230:   }}

232: #define PetscStackPop 
233:   {if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0) {     
234:     if (!(stack_mem < 0)) stack_err = AMS_Memory_take_access(stack_mem);
235:     petscstack->currentsize--; 
236:     petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize]  = 0; 
237:     petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]      = 0; 
238:     petscstack->directory[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; 
239:     petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize]      = 0; 
240:     if (!(stack_mem < 0)) stack_err = AMS_Memory_grant_access(stack_mem);
241:   }};

243: #define PetscFunctionReturn(a) 
244:   {
245:   PetscStackPop; 
246:   return(a);}

248: #define PetscFunctionReturnVoid() 
249:   {
250:   PetscStackPop; 
251:   return;}

254: #endif

256: #else

259: #define PetscFunctionReturn(a)  return(a)
260: #define PetscFunctionReturnVoid() return()
261: #define PetscStackPop 
262: #define PetscStackPush(f) 
263: #define PetscStackActive        0

265: #endif

267: EXTERN int PetscStackCreate(void);
268: EXTERN int PetscStackView(PetscViewer);
269: EXTERN int PetscStackDestroy(void);
270: EXTERN int PetscStackPublish(void);
271: EXTERN int PetscStackDepublish(void);

274: #endif