Actual source code: petsclog.h

  1: /* $Id: petsclog.h,v 1.155 2001/09/06 14:51:20 bsmith Exp $ */

  3: /*
  4:     Defines profile/logging in PETSc.
  5: */

 9:  #include petsc.h

 11: /*
 12:   Each PETSc object class has it's own cookie (internal integer in the 
 13:   data structure used for error checking). These are all defined by an offset 
 14:   from the lowest one, PETSC_COOKIE.
 15: */
 16: #define PETSC_COOKIE 1211211
 17: extern int PETSC_LARGEST_COOKIE;
 18: #define PETSC_EVENT  1311311
 19: extern int PETSC_LARGEST_EVENT;

 21: /* Events for the Petsc standard library */
 22: extern int PETSC_Barrier;

 24: /* Global flop counter */
 25: extern PetscLogDouble _TotalFlops;

 27: /* General logging of information; different from event logging */
 28: EXTERN int        PetscLogInfo(void*,const char[],...) PETSC_PRINTF_FORMAT_CHECK(2,3);
 29: EXTERN int        PetscLogInfoDeactivateClass(int);
 30: EXTERN int        PetscLogInfoActivateClass(int);
 31: extern PetscTruth PetscLogPrintInfo;  /* if true, indicates PetscLogInfo() is turned on */

 33: #if defined(PETSC_USE_LOG)  /* --- Logging is turned on --------------------------------*/

 35: /* 
 36:    Flop counting:  We count each arithmetic operation (e.g., addition, multiplication) separately.

 38:    For the complex numbers version, note that
 39:        1 complex addition = 2 flops
 40:        1 complex multiplication = 6 flops,
 41:    where we define 1 flop as that for a double precision scalar.  We roughly approximate
 42:    flop counting for complex numbers by multiplying the total flops by 4; this corresponds
 43:    to the assumption that we're counting mostly additions and multiplications -- and
 44:    roughly the same number of each.  More accurate counting could be done by distinguishing
 45:    among the various arithmetic operations.
 46:  */

 48: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 49: #define PetscLogFlops(n) (_TotalFlops += (4*n),0)
 50: #else
 51: #define PetscLogFlops(n) (_TotalFlops += (n),0)
 52: #endif

 54: #if defined (PETSC_HAVE_MPE)
 55: #include "mpe.h"
 56: EXTERN int        PetscLogMPEBegin(void);
 57: EXTERN int        PetscLogMPEDump(const char[]);
 58: extern PetscTruth UseMPE;
 59: #define PETSC_LOG_EVENT_MPE_BEGIN(e) 
 60:   if(UseMPE && _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage].eventLog->eventInfo[e].active) 
 61:     MPE_Log_event(_stageLog->eventLog->eventInfo[e].mpe_id_begin,0,"");

 63: #define PETSC_LOG_EVENT_MPE_END(e) 
 64:   if(UseMPE && _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage].eventLog->eventInfo[e].active) 
 65:     MPE_Log_event(_stageLog->eventLog->eventInfo[e].mpe_id_end,0,"");

 67: #else 
 69: #define PETSC_LOG_EVENT_MPE_END(e)
 70: #endif

 72: EXTERN int (*_PetscLogPLB)(int,int,PetscObject,PetscObject,PetscObject,PetscObject);
 73: EXTERN int (*_PetscLogPLE)(int,int,PetscObject,PetscObject,PetscObject,PetscObject);
 74: EXTERN int (*_PetscLogPHC)(PetscObject);
 75: EXTERN int (*_PetscLogPHD)(PetscObject);

 77: #define PetscLogObjectParent(p,c) 
 78:   if (c) {
 81:     ((PetscObject)(c))->parent = (PetscObject)(p);
 82:     ((PetscObject)(c))->parentid = ((PetscObject)p)->id;
 83:   }
 84: #define PetscLogObjectParents(p,n,d) {int _i; for (_i=0; _i<n; _i++) PetscLogObjectParent(p,(d)[_i]);}
 85: #define PetscLogObjectCreate(h)      {if (_PetscLogPHC) (*_PetscLogPHC)((PetscObject)h);}
 86: #define PetscLogObjectDestroy(h)     {if (_PetscLogPHD) (*_PetscLogPHD)((PetscObject)h);}
 88: /* Initialization functions */
 89: EXTERN int PetscLogBegin(void);
 90: EXTERN int PetscLogAllBegin(void);
 91: EXTERN int PetscLogTraceBegin(FILE *);
 92: EXTERN int PetscLogActions(PetscTruth);
 93: EXTERN int PetscLogObjects(PetscTruth);
 94: /* General functions */
 95: EXTERN int PetscLogGetRGBColor(char **);
 96: EXTERN int PetscLogDestroy(void);
 97: EXTERN int PetscLogSet(int (*)(int, int, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject),
 98:                    int (*)(int, int, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject));
 99: EXTERN int PetscLogObjectState(PetscObject, const char[], ...)  PETSC_PRINTF_FORMAT_CHECK(2,3);
100: /* Output functions */
101: EXTERN int PetscLogPrintSummary(MPI_Comm, const char[]);
102: EXTERN int PetscLogDump(const char[]);
103: /* Counter functions */
104: EXTERN int PetscGetFlops(PetscLogDouble *);
105: /* Stage functions */
106: EXTERN int PetscLogStageRegister(int *, const char[]);
107: EXTERN int PetscLogStagePush(int);
108: EXTERN int PetscLogStagePop(void);
109: EXTERN int PetscLogStageSetActive(int, PetscTruth);
110: EXTERN int PetscLogStageGetActive(int, PetscTruth *);
111: EXTERN int PetscLogStageSetVisible(int, PetscTruth);
112: EXTERN int PetscLogStageGetVisible(int, PetscTruth *);
113: EXTERN int PetscLogStageGetId(const char [], int *);
114: /* Event functions */
115: EXTERN int PetscLogEventRegister(int *, const char[], int);
116: EXTERN int PetscLogEventActivate(int);
117: EXTERN int PetscLogEventDeactivate(int);
118: EXTERN int PetscLogEventSetActiveAll(int, PetscTruth);
119: EXTERN int PetscLogEventActivateClass(int);
120: EXTERN int PetscLogEventDeactivateClass(int);
121: /* Class functions */
122: EXTERN int PetscLogClassRegister(int *, const char []);

124: /* Global counters */
125: extern PetscLogDouble irecv_ct,  isend_ct,  recv_ct,  send_ct;
126: extern PetscLogDouble irecv_len, isend_len, recv_len, send_len;
127: extern PetscLogDouble allreduce_ct;
128: extern PetscLogDouble wait_ct, wait_any_ct, wait_all_ct, sum_of_waits_ct;
129: extern int            PETSC_DUMMY, PETSC_DUMMY_SIZE;

131: /* We must make these structures available if we are to access the event
132:    activation flags in the PetscLogEventBegin/End() macros. If we forced a
133:    function call each time, we could leave these structures in plog.h
134: */
135: /* Default log */
136: typedef struct _StageLog *StageLog;
137: extern StageLog _stageLog;

139: /* A simple stack (should replace) */
140: typedef struct _IntStack *IntStack;

142: /* The structures for logging performance */
143: typedef struct _EventPerfInfo {
144:   int            id;            /* The integer identifying this section */
145:   PetscTruth     active;        /* The flag to activate logging */
146:   PetscTruth     visible;       /* The flag to print info in summary */
147:   int            depth;         /* The nesting depth of the event call */
148:   int            count;         /* The number of times this section was executed */
149:   PetscLogDouble flops;         /* The flops used in this section */
150:   PetscLogDouble time;          /* The time taken for this section */
151:   PetscLogDouble numMessages;   /* The number of messages in this section */
152:   PetscLogDouble messageLength; /* The total message lengths in this section */
153:   PetscLogDouble numReductions; /* The number of reductions in this section */
154: } EventPerfInfo;

156: typedef struct _ClassPerfInfo {
157:   int            id;           /* The integer identifying this class */
158:   int            creations;    /* The number of objects of this class created */
159:   int            destructions; /* The number of objects of this class destroyed */
160:   PetscLogDouble mem;          /* The total memory allocated by objects of this class */
161:   PetscLogDouble descMem;      /* The total memory allocated by descendents of these objects */
162: } ClassPerfInfo;

164: /* The structures for logging registration */
165: typedef struct _ClassRegInfo {
166:   char *name;   /* The class name */
167:   int   cookie; /* The integer identifying this class */
168: } ClassRegInfo;

170: typedef struct _EventRegInfo {
171:   char *name;   /* The name of this event */
172:   int   cookie; /* The class id for this event (should maybe give class ID instead) */
173: #if defined (PETSC_HAVE_MPE)
174:   int   mpe_id_begin; /* MPE IDs that define the event */
175:   int   mpe_id_end;
176: #endif
177: } EventRegInfo;

179: /* The structure for logging events */
180: typedef int PetscEvent;

182: typedef struct _EventRegLog *EventRegLog;
183: struct _EventRegLog {
184:   int           numEvents; /* The number of registered events */
185:   int           maxEvents; /* The maximum number of events */
186:   EventRegInfo *eventInfo; /* The registration information for each event */
187: };

189: typedef struct _EventPerfLog *EventPerfLog;
190: struct _EventPerfLog {
191:   int            numEvents; /* The number of logging events */
192:   int            maxEvents; /* The maximum number of events */
193:   EventPerfInfo *eventInfo; /* The performance information for each event */
194: };

196: /* The structure for logging class information */
197: typedef struct _ClassRegLog *ClassRegLog;
198: struct _ClassRegLog {
199:   int           numClasses; /* The number of classes registered */
200:   int           maxClasses; /* The maximum number of classes */
201:   ClassRegInfo *classInfo;  /* The structure for class information (cookies are monotonicly increasing) */
202: };

204: typedef struct _ClassPerfLog *ClassPerfLog;
205: struct _ClassPerfLog {
206:   int            numClasses; /* The number of logging classes */
207:   int            maxClasses; /* The maximum number of classes */
208:   ClassPerfInfo *classInfo;  /* The structure for class information (cookies are monotonicly increasing) */
209: };

211: /* The structures for logging in stages */
212: typedef struct _StageInfo {
213:   char         *name;     /* The stage name */
214:   PetscTruth    used;     /* The stage was pushed on this processor */
215:   EventPerfInfo perfInfo; /* The stage performance information */
216:   EventPerfLog  eventLog; /* The event information for this stage */
217:   ClassPerfLog  classLog; /* The class information for this stage */
218: } StageInfo;

220: struct _StageLog {
221:   /* Size information */
222:   int         numStages; /* The number of registered stages */
223:   int         maxStages; /* The maximum number of stages */
224:   /* Runtime information */
225:   IntStack    stack;     /* The stack for active stages */
226:   int         curStage;  /* The current stage (only used in macros so we don't call StackTop) */
227:   /* Stage specific information */
228:   StageInfo  *stageInfo; /* The information for each stage */
229:   EventRegLog eventLog;  /* The registered events */
230:   ClassRegLog classLog;  /* The registered classes */
231: };

233: #define PetscLogEventBarrierBegin(e,o1,o2,o3,o4,cm) 0; 
234: {
235:   int _2_ierr;
236:   if (_PetscLogPLB && 
237:       _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage] && 
238:       _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage].eventLog->eventInfo[e].active) {
239:     _2_PetscLogEventBegin((e),o1,o2,o3,o4);CHKERRQ(_2_ierr);
240:     _2_MPI_Barrier(cm);CHKERRQ(_2_ierr);
241:     _2_PetscLogEventEnd((e),o1,o2,o3,o4);CHKERRQ(_2_ierr);
242:   }
243:   _2_PetscLogEventBegin((e)+1,o1,o2,o3,o4);CHKERRQ(_2_ierr);
244: }

246: #define PetscLogEventBegin(e,o1,o2,o3,o4) 0; 
247: {
248:   if (_PetscLogPLB && 
249:       _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage] && 
250:       _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage].eventLog->eventInfo[e].active) {
251:     (*_PetscLogPLB)((e),0,(PetscObject)(o1),(PetscObject)(o2),(PetscObject)(o3),(PetscObject)(o4));
252:   }
254: }

256: #define PetscLogEventBarrierEnd(e,o1,o2,o3,o4,cm) PetscLogEventEnd(e+1,o1,o2,o3,o4)

258: #define PetscLogEventEnd(e,o1,o2,o3,o4) 0; 
259: {
260:   if (_PetscLogPLE && 
261:       _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage] && 
262:       _stageLog->stageInfo[_stageLog->curStage].eventLog->eventInfo[e].active) {
263:     (*_PetscLogPLE)((e),0,(PetscObject)(o1),(PetscObject)(o2),(PetscObject)(o3),(PetscObject)(o4));
264:   }
266: } 

268: /* Creation and destruction functions */
269: EXTERN int StageLogCreate(StageLog *);
270: EXTERN int StageLogDestroy(StageLog);
271: /* Registration functions */
272: EXTERN int StageLogRegister(StageLog, const char [], int *);
273: /* Runtime functions */
274: EXTERN int PetscLogGetStageLog(StageLog *);
275: EXTERN int StageLogPush(StageLog, int);
276: EXTERN int StageLogPop(StageLog);
277: EXTERN int StageLogGetCurrent(StageLog, int *);
278: EXTERN int StageLogSetActive(StageLog, int, PetscTruth);
279: EXTERN int StageLogGetActive(StageLog, int, PetscTruth *);
280: EXTERN int StageLogSetVisible(StageLog, int, PetscTruth);
281: EXTERN int StageLogGetVisible(StageLog, int, PetscTruth *);
282: EXTERN int StageLogGetStage(StageLog, const char [], int *);

284: /*
285:      This does not work for MPI-Uni because our src/mpiuni/mpi.h file
286:    uses macros to defined the MPI operations. 

288:      It does not work correctly from HP-UX because it processes the 
289:    macros in a way that sometimes it double counts, hence 

292:      It does not work with Windows NT because winmpich lacks MPI_Type_size()
293: */
294: #if !defined(_petsc_mpi_uni) && !defined(PETSC_HAVE_BROKEN_RECURSIVE_MACRO) && !defined (PETSC_HAVE_MPI_MISSING_TYPESIZE)
295: /*
296:    Logging of MPI activities
297: */

299: #define TypeSize(buff,count,type) 
300: (
301:   MPI_Type_size(type,&PETSC_DUMMY_SIZE),buff += ((PetscLogDouble) ((count)*PETSC_DUMMY_SIZE))
302: )

304: #define MPI_Irecv(buf,count, datatype,source,tag,comm,request) 
305: (
306:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Irecv(buf,count, datatype,source,tag,comm,request),
307:   irecv_ct++,TypeSize(irecv_len,count,datatype),PETSC_DUMMY
308: )

310: #define MPI_Isend(buf,count, datatype,dest,tag,comm,request) 
311: (
312:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Isend(buf,count, datatype,dest,tag,comm,request),
313:   isend_ct++,  TypeSize(isend_len,count,datatype),PETSC_DUMMY
314: )

316: #define MPI_Startall_irecv(count,number,requests) 
317: (
318:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Startall(number,requests),
319:   irecv_ct += (PetscLogDouble)(number),irecv_len += ((PetscLogDouble) ((count)*sizeof(PetscScalar))),PETSC_DUMMY
320: )

322: #define MPI_Startall_isend(count,number,requests) 
323: (
324:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Startall(number,requests),
325:   isend_ct += (PetscLogDouble)(number),isend_len += ((PetscLogDouble) ((count)*sizeof(PetscScalar))),PETSC_DUMMY
326: )

328: #define MPI_Start_isend(count, requests) 
329: (
330:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Start(requests),
331:   isend_ct++,isend_len += ((PetscLogDouble) ((count)*sizeof(PetscScalar))),PETSC_DUMMY
332: )

334: #define MPI_Recv(buf,count, datatype,source,tag,comm,status) 
335: (
336:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Recv(buf,count, datatype,source,tag,comm,status),
337:   recv_ct++,TypeSize(recv_len,count,datatype),PETSC_DUMMY
338: )

340: #define MPI_Send(buf,count, datatype,dest,tag,comm) 
341: (
342:   PETSC_DUMMY = MPI_Send(buf,count, datatype,dest,tag,comm),
343:   send_ct++, TypeSize(send_len,count,datatype),PETSC_DUMMY
344: )

346: #define MPI_Wait(request,status) 
347: (
348:   wait_ct++,sum_of_waits_ct++,
349:   MPI_Wait(request,status)
350: )

352: #define MPI_Waitany(a,b,c,d) 
353: (
354:   wait_any_ct++,sum_of_waits_ct++,
355:   MPI_Waitany(a,b,c,d)
356: )

358: #define MPI_Waitall(count,array_of_requests,array_of_statuses) 
359: (
360:   wait_all_ct++,sum_of_waits_ct += (PetscLogDouble) (count),
361:   MPI_Waitall(count,array_of_requests,array_of_statuses)
362: )

364: #define MPI_Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf,count,datatype,op,comm) 
365: (
366:   allreduce_ct++,MPI_Allreduce(sendbuf,recvbuf,count,datatype,op,comm)
367: )

369: #else

371: #define MPI_Startall_irecv(count,number,requests) 
372: (
373:   MPI_Startall(number,requests)
374: )

376: #define MPI_Startall_isend(count,number,requests) 
377: (
378:   MPI_Startall(number,requests)
379: )

381: #define MPI_Start_isend(count, requests) 
382: (
383:   MPI_Start(requests)
384: )

386: #endif /* !_petsc_mpi_uni && ! PETSC_HAVE_BROKEN_RECURSIVE_MACRO */

388: #else  /* ---Logging is turned off --------------------------------------------*/

390: #define PetscLogFlops(n) 0

392: /*
393:      With logging turned off, then MPE has to be turned off
394: */
395: #define PetscLogMPEBegin()         0
396: #define PetscLogMPEDump(a)         0

398: #define PetscLogEventActivate(a)   0
399: #define PetscLogEventDeactivate(a) 0

401: #define PetscLogEventActivateClass(a)   0
402: #define PetscLogEventDeactivateClass(a) 0

404: #define _PetscLogPLB                        0
405: #define _PetscLogPLE                        0
406: #define _PetscLogPHC                        0
407: #define _PetscLogPHD                        0
408: #define PetscGetFlops(a)                (*(a) = 0.0,0)
409: #define PetscLogEventBegin(e,o1,o2,o3,o4)   0
410: #define PetscLogEventEnd(e,o1,o2,o3,o4)     0
411: #define PetscLogEventBarrierBegin(e,o1,o2,o3,o4,cm) 0
412: #define PetscLogEventBarrierEnd(e,o1,o2,o3,o4,cm)   0
413: #define PetscLogObjectParent(p,c)
414: #define PetscLogObjectParents(p,n,c)
415: #define PetscLogObjectCreate(h)
416: #define PetscLogObjectDestroy(h)
417: #define PetscLogObjectMemory(p,m)
418: #define PetscLogDestroy()                   0
419: #define PetscLogStagePush(a)                0
420: #define PetscLogStagePop()                  0
421: #define PetscLogStageRegister(a,b)          0
422: #define PetscLogStagePrint(a,flg)           0
423: #define PetscLogPrintSummary(comm,file)     0
424: #define PetscLogBegin()                     0
425: #define PetscLogTraceBegin(file)            0
426: #define PetscLogSet(lb,le)                  0
427: #define PetscLogAllBegin()                  0
428: #define PetscLogDump(c)                     0
429: #define PetscLogEventRegister(a,b,c)        0
430: #define PetscLogObjects(a)                  0
431: #define PetscLogActions(a)                  0
432: EXTERN int PetscLogObjectState(PetscObject,const char[],...) PETSC_PRINTF_FORMAT_CHECK(2,3);

434: /* If PETSC_USE_LOG is NOT defined, these still need to be! */
435: #define MPI_Startall_irecv(count,number,requests) MPI_Startall(number,requests)
436: #define MPI_Startall_isend(count,number,requests) MPI_Startall(number,requests)
437: #define MPI_Start_isend(count,requests) MPI_Start(requests)

439: /* Creation and destruction functions */
440: #define StageLogCreate(stageLog)                     0
441: #define StageLogDestroy(stageLog)                    0
442: /* Registration functions */
443: #define StageLogRegister(stageLog, name, stage)      0
444: /* Runtime functions */
445: #define PetscLogGetStageLog(stageLog)                0
446: #define StageLogPush(stageLog, stage)                0
447: #define StageLogPop(stageLog)                        0
448: #define StageLogGetCurrent(stageLog, stage)          0
449: #define StageLogSetActive(stageLog, stage, active)   0
450: #define StageLogGetActive(stageLog, stage, active)   0
451: #define StageLogSetVisible(stageLog, stage, visible) 0
452: #define StageLogGetVisible(stageLog, stage, visible) 0
453: #define StageLogGetStage(stageLog, name, stage)      0

455: #endif   /* PETSC_USE_LOG */

457: extern PetscTruth PetscPreLoadingUsed;       /* true if we are or have done preloading */
458: extern PetscTruth PetscPreLoadingOn;         /* true if we are currently in a preloading calculation */

460: #define PreLoadBegin(flag,name) 
461: {
462:   PetscTruth PreLoading = flag;
463:   int        PreLoadMax,PreLoadIt,_stageNum,_3_ierr;
464:   _3_PetscOptionsGetLogical(PETSC_NULL,"-preload",&PreLoading,PETSC_NULL);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
465:   PreLoadMax = (int)(PreLoading);
466:   PetscPreLoadingUsed = PreLoading ? PETSC_TRUE : PetscPreLoadingUsed;
467:   for (PreLoadIt=0; PreLoadIt<=PreLoadMax; PreLoadIt++) {
468:     PetscPreLoadingOn = PreLoading;
469:     _3_PetscBarrier(PETSC_NULL);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
470:     if (PreLoadIt>0) {
471:       _3_PetscLogStageGetId(name,&_stageNum);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
472:     } else {
473:       _3_PetscLogStageRegister(&_stageNum,name);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
474:     }
475:     _3_PetscLogStageSetActive(_stageNum,(PetscTruth)(!PreLoadMax || PreLoadIt));
476:     _3_PetscLogStagePush(_stageNum);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);

478: #define PreLoadEnd() 
479:     _3_PetscLogStagePop();CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
480:     PreLoading = PETSC_FALSE;
481:   }
482: }

484: #define PreLoadStage(name) 
485:   _3_PetscLogStagePop();CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
486:   if (PreLoadIt>0) {
487:     _3_PetscLogStageGetId(name,&_stageNum);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
488:   } else {
489:     _3_PetscLogStageRegister(&_stageNum,name);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
490:   }
491:   _3_PetscLogStageSetActive(_stageNum,(PetscTruth)(!PreLoadMax || PreLoadIt));
492:   _3_PetscLogStagePush(_stageNum);CHKERRQ(_3_ierr);
493: #endif