Actual source code: petscmath.h

  1: /* $Id: petscmath.h,v 1.32 2001/08/30 20:37:06 bsmith Exp $ */
  2: /*
  4:       PETSc mathematics include file. Defines certain basic mathematical 
  5:     constants and functions for working with single and double precision
  6:     floating point numbers as well as complex and integers.

  8:     This file is included by petsc.h and should not be used directly.

 10: */

 14: #include <math.h>

 16: extern  MPI_Datatype        MPIU_2SCALAR;
 17: /*

 19:      Defines operations that are different for complex and real numbers;
 20:    note that one cannot really mix the use of complex and real in the same 
 21:    PETSc program. All PETSc objects in one program are built around the object
 22:    PetscScalar which is either always a double or a complex.

 24: */

 26: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)

 28: /*
 29:    PETSc now only supports std::complex
 30: */
 31: #include <complex>

 33: extern  MPI_Datatype        MPIU_COMPLEX;
 34: #define MPIU_SCALAR         MPIU_COMPLEX
 35: #if defined(PETSC_USE_MAT_SINGLE)
 36: #define MPIU_MATSCALAR        ??Notdone
 37: #else
 39: #endif

 41: #define PetscRealPart(a)        (a).real()
 42: #define PetscImaginaryPart(a)   (a).imag()
 43: #define PetscAbsScalar(a)   std::abs(a)
 44: #define PetscConj(a)        std::conj(a)
 45: #define PetscSqrtScalar(a)  std::sqrt(a)
 46: #define PetscPowScalar(a,b) std::pow(a,b)
 47: #define PetscExpScalar(a)   std::exp(a)
 48: #define PetscSinScalar(a)   std::sin(a)
 49: #define PetscCosScalar(a)   std::cos(a)

 51: typedef std::complex<double> PetscScalar;

 53: /* Compiling for real numbers only */
 54: #else
 55: #  if defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
 56: #    define MPIU_SCALAR           MPI_FLOAT
 57: #  else
 58: #    define MPIU_SCALAR           MPI_DOUBLE
 59: #  endif
 60: #  if defined(PETSC_USE_MAT_SINGLE) || defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
 61: #    define MPIU_MATSCALAR        MPI_FLOAT
 62: #  else
 63: #    define MPIU_MATSCALAR        MPI_DOUBLE
 64: #  endif
 65: #  define PetscRealPart(a)      (a)
 66: #  define PetscImaginaryPart(a) (a)
 67: #  define PetscAbsScalar(a)     (((a)<0.0)   ? -(a) : (a))
 68: #  define PetscConj(a)          (a)
 69: #  define PetscSqrtScalar(a)    sqrt(a)
 70: #  define PetscPowScalar(a,b)   pow(a,b)
 71: #  define PetscExpScalar(a)     exp(a)
 72: #  define PetscSinScalar(a)     sin(a)
 73: #  define PetscCosScalar(a)     cos(a)

 75: #  if defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
 76:   typedef float PetscScalar;
 77: #  else
 78:   typedef double PetscScalar;
 79: #  endif
 80: #endif

 82: #if defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
 83: #  define MPIU_REAL   MPI_FLOAT
 84: #else
 85: #  define MPIU_REAL   MPI_DOUBLE
 86: #endif

 88: #define PetscSign(a) (((a) >= 0) ? ((a) == 0 ? 0 : 1) : -1)
 89: #define PetscAbs(a)  (((a) >= 0) ? a : -a)
 90: /*
 91:        Allows compiling PETSc so that matrix values are stored in 
 92:    single precision but all other objects still use double
 93:    precision. This does not work for complex numbers in that case
 94:    it remains double

 97: */

 99: #if defined(PETSC_USE_MAT_SINGLE)
100: typedef float MatScalar;
101: #else
102: typedef PetscScalar MatScalar;
103: #endif

105: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
106: typedef double MatReal;
107: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_MAT_SINGLE) || defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
108: typedef float MatReal;
109: #else
110: typedef double MatReal;
111: #endif

113: #if defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
114:   typedef float PetscReal;
115: #else 
116:   typedef double PetscReal;
117: #endif

119: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

121: /*
122:    Certain objects may be created using either single
123:   or double precision.
124: */
125: typedef enum { PETSC_SCALAR_DOUBLE,PETSC_SCALAR_SINGLE } PetscScalarPrecision;

127: /* PETSC_i is the imaginary number, i */
128: extern  PetscScalar       PETSC_i;

130: #define PetscMin(a,b)   (((a)<(b)) ?  (a) : (b))
131: #define PetscMax(a,b)   (((a)<(b)) ?  (b) : (a))
132: #define PetscAbsInt(a)  (((a)<0)   ? -(a) : (a))
133: #define PetscAbsReal(a) (((a)<0)   ? -(a) : (a))
134: #define PetscSqr(a)     ((a)*(a))

136: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
137: /*
138:      Basic constants
139: */
140: #define PETSC_PI                 3.14159265358979323846264
141: #define PETSC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS 0.01745329251994
142: #define PETSC_MAX_INT            1000000000
143: #define PETSC_MIN_INT            -1000000000

145: #if defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE)
146: #  define PETSC_MAX                1.e30
147: #  define PETSC_MIN                -1.e30
148: #  define PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON         1.e-7
149: #  define PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON    3.e-4
150: #  define PETSC_SMALL                   1.e-5
151: #else
152: #  define PETSC_MAX                1.e300
153: #  define PETSC_MIN                -1.e300
154: #  define PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON         1.e-14
155: #  define PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON    1.e-7
156: #  define PETSC_SMALL                   1.e-10
157: #endif

159: extern int PetscGlobalMax(PetscReal*,PetscReal*,MPI_Comm);
160: extern int PetscGlobalMin(PetscReal*,PetscReal*,MPI_Comm);
161: extern int PetscGlobalSum(PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*,MPI_Comm);

164: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
165: /*
166:     PetscLogDouble variables are used to contain double precision numbers
167:   that are not used in the numerical computations, but rather in logging,
168:   timing etc.
169: */
170: typedef double PetscLogDouble;
171: /*
172:       Once PETSc is compiling with a ADIC enhanced version of MPI
173:    we will create a new MPI_Datatype for the inactive double variables.
174: */
175: #if defined(AD_DERIV_H)
176: /* extern  MPI_Datatype  MPIU_PETSCLOGDOUBLE; */
177: #else
178: #if !defined(_petsc_mpi_uni)
180: #endif
181: #endif

183: #define PassiveReal PetscReal
184: #define PassiveScalar PetscScalar

186: #define PETSCMAP1_a(a,b)  a ## _ ## b
187: #define PETSCMAP1_b(a,b)  PETSCMAP1_a(a,b)
188: #define PETSCMAP1(a)      PETSCMAP1_b(a,PetscScalar)
189: #endif