Actual source code: petscversion.h

  2: /* $Id: petscversion.h,v 1.26 2001/06/21 21:20:02 bsmith Exp $ */

  6: /* ========================================================================== */
  7: /* 
  8:    Current PETSc version number and release date, also listed in
  9:     Web page
 10:     docs/tex/manual/intro.tex,
 11:     docs/tex/manual/manual.tex.
 12: */
 13: #define PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR    2
 14: #define PETSC_VERSION_MINOR    1
 16: #define PETSC_VERSION_PATCH    0
 17: #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE     "Jan 27, 2002"
 18: #define PETSC_AUTHOR_INFO      "
 19:        The PETSc Teamn
 20:     petsc-maint@mcs.anl.govn

 23: #define PetscGetVersion(version) (sprintf(*(version),"Petsc Version %d.%d.%d, Patch %d, Released ", 
 24:                                          PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR,PETSC_VERSION_MINOR, PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR, 
 25:                                          PETSC_VERSION_PATCH),PetscStrcat(*(version),PETSC_VERSION_DATE),0)
 26: #endif

 28: /*M
 29:     PetscGetVersion - Gets the Petsc Version information in a string.

 31:     Output Parameter:
 32: .   version - version string

 34:     Level: developer

 36:     Usage:
 37:     char version[256];
 38:     PetscGetVersion(&version);

 40:     Fortran Note:
 41:     This routine is not supported in Fortran.

 43: .seealso: PetscGetProgramName()

 45: M*/