Actual source code: aodatabasic.c
1: /*$Id: aodatabasic.c,v 1.64 2001/08/07 03:04:35 balay Exp $*/
3: /*
4: The most basic AOData routines. These store the entire database on each processor.
5: These routines are very simple; note that we do not even use a private data structure
6: for AOData, and the private datastructure for AODataSegment is just used as a simple array.
8: These are made slightly complicated by having to be able to handle logical variables
9: stored in bit arrays. Thus,
10: - Before mallocing to hold a bit array, we shrunk the array length by a factor
11: of 8 using PetscBTLength()
12: - We use PetscBitMemcpy() to allow us to copy at the individual bit level;
13: for regular datatypes this just does a regular memcpy().
14: */
16: #include src/dm/ao/aoimpl.h
17: #include petscsys.h
18: #include petscbt.h
20: #undef __FUNCT__
22: int AODataDestroy_Basic(AOData ao)
23: {
24: int ierr;
25: AODataKey *key = ao->keys,*nextkey;
26: AODataSegment *seg,*nextseg;
29: /* if memory was published with AMS then destroy it */
30: PetscObjectDepublish(ao);
32: while (key) {
33: PetscFree(key->name);
34: if (key->ltog) {
35: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(key->ltog);
36: }
37: seg = key->segments;
38: while (seg) {
39: ierr = PetscFree(seg->data);
40: ierr = PetscFree(seg->name);
41: nextseg = seg->next;
42: ierr = PetscFree(seg);
43: seg = nextseg;
44: }
45: PetscFree(key->rowners);
46: nextkey = key->next;
47: PetscFree(key);
48: key = nextkey;
49: }
51: PetscLogObjectDestroy(ao);
52: PetscHeaderDestroy(ao);
53: return(0);
54: }
56: #undef __FUNCT__
58: int AODataView_Basic_Binary(AOData ao,PetscViewer viewer)
59: {
60: int ierr,N,fd;
61: AODataSegment *segment;
62: AODataKey *key = ao->keys;
63: char paddedname[256];
67: ierr = PetscViewerBinaryGetDescriptor(viewer,&fd);
69: /* write out number of keys */
70: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,&ao->nkeys,1,PETSC_INT,0);
72: while (key) {
73: N = key->N;
74: /*
75: Write out name of key - use a fixed length for the name in the binary
76: file to make seeking easier
77: */
78: PetscMemzero(paddedname,256*sizeof(char));
79: PetscStrncpy(paddedname,key->name,255);
80: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,paddedname,256,PETSC_CHAR,0);
81: /* write out the number of indices */
82: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,&key->N,1,PETSC_INT,0);
83: /* write out number of segments */
84: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,&key->nsegments,1,PETSC_INT,0);
86: /* loop over segments writing them out */
87: segment = key->segments;
88: while (segment) {
89: /*
90: Write out name of segment - use a fixed length for the name in the binary
91: file to make seeking easier
92: */
93: PetscMemzero(paddedname,256*sizeof(char));
94: PetscStrncpy(paddedname,segment->name,255);
95: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,paddedname,256,PETSC_CHAR,0);
96: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,&segment->bs,1,PETSC_INT,0);
97: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,&segment->datatype,1,PETSC_INT,0);
98: /* write out the data */
99: PetscBinaryWrite(fd,segment->data,N*segment->bs,segment->datatype,0);
100: segment = segment->next;
101: }
102: key = key->next;
103: }
105: return(0);
106: }
108: /*
109: All processors have the same data so processor 0 prints it
110: */
111: #undef __FUNCT__
113: int AODataView_Basic_ASCII(AOData ao,PetscViewer viewer)
114: {
115: int ierr,j,k,l,rank,size,nkeys,nsegs,i,N,bs,zero = 0;
116: char *dt,**keynames,**segnames,*stype,*segvalue;
117: AODataSegment *segment;
118: AODataKey *key = ao->keys;
119: PetscDataType dtype;
120: PetscViewerFormat format;
123: MPI_Comm_rank(ao->comm,&rank);
124: if (rank) return(0);
125: MPI_Comm_size(ao->comm,&size);
127: PetscViewerGetFormat(viewer,&format);
128: if (format == PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO) {
129: AODataGetInfo(ao,&nkeys,&keynames);
130: for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) {
131: AODataKeyGetInfo(ao,keynames[i],&N,0,&nsegs,&segnames);
132: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %s: (%d)n",keynames[i],N);
133: for (j=0; j<nsegs; j++) {
134: AODataSegmentGetInfo(ao,keynames[i],segnames[j],&bs,&dtype);
135: PetscDataTypeGetName(dtype,&stype);
136: if (dtype == PETSC_CHAR) {
137: AODataSegmentGet(ao,keynames[i],segnames[j],1,&zero,(void **)&segvalue);
138: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %s: (%d) %s -> %sn",segnames[j],bs,stype,segvalue);
139: AODataSegmentRestore(ao,keynames[i],segnames[j],1,&zero,(void **)&segvalue);
140: } else {
141: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %s: (%d) %sn",segnames[j],bs,stype);
142: }
143: }
144: }
145: PetscFree(keynames);
146: } else {
147: PetscViewerASCIIUseTabs(viewer,PETSC_FALSE);
148: while (key) {
149: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"AOData Key: %s Length %d Ownership: ",key->name,key->N);
150: for (j=0; j<size+1; j++) {PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"%d ",key->rowners[j]);}
151: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"n");
153: segment = key->segments;
154: while (segment) {
155: PetscDataTypeGetName(segment->datatype,&dt);
156: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," AOData Segment: %s Blocksize %d datatype %sn",segment->name,segment->bs,dt);
157: if (segment->datatype == PETSC_INT) {
158: int *mdata = (int*)segment->data;
159: for (k=0; k<key->N; k++) {
160: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %d: ",k);
161: for (l=0; l<segment->bs; l++) {
162: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %d ",mdata[k*segment->bs + l]);
163: }
164: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"n");
165: }
166: } else if (segment->datatype == PETSC_DOUBLE) {
167: PetscReal *mdata = (PetscReal*)segment->data;
168: for (k=0; k<key->N; k++) {
169: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %d: ",k);
170: for (l=0; l<segment->bs; l++) {
171: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %18.16e ",mdata[k*segment->bs + l]);
172: }
173: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"n");
174: }
175: } else if (segment->datatype == PETSC_SCALAR) {
176: PetscScalar *mdata = (PetscScalar*)segment->data;
177: for (k=0; k<key->N; k++) {
178: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %d: ",k);
179: for (l=0; l<segment->bs; l++) {
180: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
181: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %18.16e ",mdata[k*segment->bs + l]);
182: #else
183: PetscScalar x = mdata[k*segment->bs + l];
184: if (PetscImaginaryPart(x) > 0.0) {
185: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %18.16e + %18.16e i n",PetscRealPart(x),PetscImaginaryPart(x));
186: } else if (PetscImaginaryPart(x) < 0.0) {
187: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %18.16e - %18.16e i n",PetscRealPart(x),-PetscImaginaryPart(x));
188: } else {
189: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %18.16e n",PetscRealPart(x));
190: }
191: #endif
192: }
193: }
194: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"n");
195: } else if (segment->datatype == PETSC_LOGICAL) {
196: PetscBT mdata = (PetscBT) segment->data;
197: for (k=0; k<key->N; k++) {
198: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %d: ",k);
199: for (l=0; l<segment->bs; l++) {
200: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %d ",(int)PetscBTLookup(mdata,k*segment->bs + l));
201: }
202: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"n");
203: }
204: } else if (segment->datatype == PETSC_CHAR) {
205: char * mdata = (char*)segment->data;
206: for (k=0; k<key->N; k++) {
207: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," %s ",mdata + k*segment->bs);
208: }
209: PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"n");
210: } else {
211: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Unknown PETSc data format");
212: }
213: segment = segment->next;
214: }
215: key = key->next;
216: }
217: }
218: PetscViewerASCIIUseTabs(viewer,PETSC_TRUE);
219: return(0);
220: }
222: #undef __FUNCT__
224: int AODataView_Basic(AOData ao,PetscViewer viewer)
225: {
226: int rank,ierr;
227: PetscTruth isascii,isbinary;
230: MPI_Comm_rank(ao->comm,&rank);
231: if (rank) return(0);
233: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII,&isascii);
234: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_BINARY,&isbinary);
235: if (isascii) {
236: AODataView_Basic_ASCII(ao,viewer);
237: } else if (isbinary) {
238: AODataView_Basic_Binary(ao,viewer);
239: } else {
240: SETERRQ1(1,"Viewer type %s not supported for AOData basic",((PetscObject)viewer)->type_name);
241: }
243: return(0);
244: }
246: #undef __FUNCT__
248: int AODataKeyRemove_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name)
249: {
250: AODataSegment *segment,*iseg;
251: AODataKey *key,*ikey;
252: int ierr;
253: PetscTruth flag;
256: AODataKeyFind_Private(aodata,name,&flag,&key);
257: if (flag != 1) return(0);
258: aodata->nkeys--;
260: segment = key->segments;
261: while (segment) {
262: iseg = segment->next;
263: PetscFree(segment->name);
264: PetscFree(segment->data);
265: PetscFree(segment);
266: segment = iseg;
267: }
268: ikey = aodata->keys;
269: if (key == ikey) {
270: aodata->keys = key->next;
271: goto finishup1;
272: }
273: while (ikey->next != key) {
274: ikey = ikey->next;
275: }
276: ikey->next = key->next;
278: finishup1:
280: PetscFree(key->name);
281: PetscFree(key->rowners);
282: PetscFree(key);
284: return(0);
285: }
287: #undef __FUNCT__
289: int AODataSegmentRemove_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name,char *segname)
290: {
291: AODataSegment *segment,*iseg;
292: AODataKey *key;
293: int ierr;
294: PetscTruth flag;
297: AODataSegmentFind_Private(aodata,name,segname,&flag,&key,&iseg);
298: if (!flag) return(0);
299: key->nsegments--;
301: segment = key->segments;
302: if (segment == iseg) {
303: key->segments = segment->next;
304: goto finishup2;
305: }
306: while (segment->next != iseg) {
307: segment = segment->next;
308: }
309: segment->next = iseg->next;
310: segment = iseg;
312: finishup2:
314: PetscFree(segment->name);
315: PetscFree(segment->data);
316: PetscFree(segment);
317: return(0);
318: }
321: #undef __FUNCT__
323: int AODataSegmentAdd_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name,char *segname,int bs,int n,int *keys,void *data,PetscDataType dtype)
324: {
325: AODataSegment *segment,*iseg;
326: AODataKey *key;
327: int N,size,ierr,*lens,i,*disp,*akeys,datasize,*fkeys,Nb,j;
328: MPI_Datatype mtype;
329: char *adata;
330: MPI_Comm comm = aodata->comm;
331: PetscTruth flag;
334: ierr = AODataKeyFind_Private(aodata,name,&flag,&key);
335: if (!flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Key %s doesn't exist",name);
336: AODataSegmentFind_Private(aodata,name,segname,&flag,&key,&iseg);
337: if (flag) SETERRQ2(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Segment %s in key %s already exists",name,segname);
339: PetscNew(AODataSegment,&segment);
340: if (iseg) {
341: iseg->next = segment;
342: } else {
343: key->segments = segment;
344: }
345: segment->next = 0;
346: segment->bs = bs;
347: segment->datatype = dtype;
349: PetscDataTypeGetSize(dtype,&datasize);
351: /*
352: If keys not given, assume each processor provides entire data
353: */
354: if (!keys && n == key->N) {
355: char *fdata1;
356: if (dtype == PETSC_LOGICAL) Nb = PetscBTLength(key->N); else Nb = key->N;
357: PetscMalloc((Nb*bs+1)*datasize,&fdata1);
358: PetscBitMemcpy(fdata1,0,data,0,key->N*bs,dtype);
359: segment->data = (void*)fdata1;
360: } else if (!keys) {
361: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Keys not given, but not all data given on each processor");
362: } else {
363: /* transmit all lengths to all processors */
364: MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);
365: PetscMalloc(2*size*sizeof(int),&lens);
366: disp = lens + size;
367: MPI_Allgather(&n,1,MPI_INT,lens,1,MPI_INT,comm);
368: N = 0;
369: for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
370: disp[i] = N;
371: N += lens[i];
372: }
373: if (N != key->N) {
374: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Did not provide correct number of keys for keyname");
375: }
377: /*
378: Allocate space for all keys and all data
379: */
380: PetscMalloc((N+1)*sizeof(int),&akeys);
381: PetscMalloc((N*bs+1)*datasize,&adata);
383: MPI_Allgatherv(keys,n,MPI_INT,akeys,lens,disp,MPI_INT,comm);
384: for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
385: disp[i] *= bs;
386: lens[i] *= bs;
387: }
389: if (dtype != PETSC_LOGICAL) {
390: char *fdata2;
392: PetscDataTypeToMPIDataType(dtype,&mtype);
393: MPI_Allgatherv(data,n*bs,mtype,adata,lens,disp,mtype,comm);
394: PetscFree(lens);
396: /*
397: Now we have all the keys and data we need to put it in order
398: */
399: PetscMalloc((key->N+1)*sizeof(int),&fkeys);
400: PetscMemzero(fkeys,(key->N+1)*sizeof(int));
401: PetscMalloc((key->N*bs+1)*datasize,&fdata2);
403: for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
404: if (fkeys[akeys[i]] != 0) {
406: }
407: if (fkeys[akeys[i]] >= N) {
408: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Key out of range");
409: }
410: fkeys[akeys[i]] = 1;
411: PetscBitMemcpy(fdata2,akeys[i]*bs,adata,i*bs,bs,dtype);
412: }
413: for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
414: if (!fkeys[i]) {
416: }
417: }
418: segment->data = (void*)fdata2;
419: } else {
420: /*
421: For logical input the length is given by the user in bits; we need to
422: convert to bytes to send with MPI
423: */
424: PetscBT fdata3,mvalues = (PetscBT) data;
425: char *values;
426: PetscMalloc((n+1)*bs*sizeof(char),&values);
427: for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
428: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
429: if (PetscBTLookup(mvalues,i*bs+j)) values[i*bs+j] = 1; else values[i*bs+j] = 0;
430: }
431: }
433: MPI_Allgatherv(values,n*bs,MPI_BYTE,adata,lens,disp,MPI_BYTE,comm);
434: PetscFree(lens);
435: PetscFree(values);
437: /*
438: Now we have all the keys and data we need to put it in order
439: */
440: PetscMalloc((key->N+1)*sizeof(int),&fkeys);
441: PetscMemzero(fkeys,(key->N+1)*sizeof(int));
442: PetscBTCreate(N*bs,fdata3);
444: for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
445: if (fkeys[akeys[i]] != 0) {
447: }
448: if (fkeys[akeys[i]] >= N) {
449: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Key out of range");
450: }
451: fkeys[akeys[i]] = 1;
452: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
453: if (adata[i*bs+j]) { PetscBTSet(fdata3,i*bs+j); }
454: }
455: }
456: for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
457: if (!fkeys[i]) {
459: }
460: }
461: segment->data = (void*)fdata3;
462: }
463: PetscFree(akeys);
464: PetscFree(adata);
465: PetscFree(fkeys);
466: }
468: key->nsegments++;
470: PetscStrallocpy(segname,&segment->name);
471: return(0);
472: }
474: #undef __FUNCT__
476: int AODataSegmentGetExtrema_Basic(AOData ao,char *name,char *segname,void *xmax,void *xmin)
477: {
478: AODataSegment *segment;
479: AODataKey *key;
480: int ierr,i,bs,n,j;
481: PetscTruth flag;
484: /* find the correct segment */
485: AODataSegmentFind_Private(ao,name,segname,&flag,&key,&segment);
486: if (!flag) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Cannot locate segment");
488: n = key->N;
489: bs = segment->bs;
491: if (segment->datatype == PETSC_INT) {
492: int *vmax = (int*)xmax,*vmin = (int*)xmin,*values = (int*)segment->data;
493: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
494: vmax[j] = vmin[j] = values[j];
495: }
496: for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
497: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
498: vmax[j] = PetscMax(vmax[j],values[bs*i+j]);
499: vmin[j] = PetscMin(vmin[j],values[bs*i+j]);
500: }
501: }
502: } else if (segment->datatype == PETSC_DOUBLE) {
503: PetscReal *vmax = (PetscReal*)xmax,*vmin = (PetscReal*)xmin,*values = (PetscReal*)segment->data;
504: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
505: vmax[j] = vmin[j] = values[j];
506: }
507: for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
508: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
509: vmax[j] = PetscMax(vmax[j],values[bs*i+j]);
510: vmin[j] = PetscMin(vmin[j],values[bs*i+j]);
511: }
512: }
513: } else SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Cannot find extrema for this data type");
515: return(0);
516: }
518: #undef __FUNCT__
520: int AODataSegmentGet_Basic(AOData ao,char *name,char *segname,int n,int *keys,void **data)
521: {
522: AODataSegment *segment;
523: AODataKey *key;
524: int ierr,dsize,i,bs,nb;
525: char *idata,*odata;
526: PetscTruth flag;
529: /* find the correct segment */
530: AODataSegmentFind_Private(ao,name,segname,&flag,&key,&segment);
531: if (!flag) SETERRQ2(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Cannot locate segment %s in key %s",segname,name);
533: ierr = PetscDataTypeGetSize(segment->datatype,&dsize);
534: bs = segment->bs;
535: if (segment->datatype == PETSC_LOGICAL) nb = PetscBTLength(n); else nb = n;
536: PetscMalloc((nb+1)*bs*dsize,&odata);
537: idata = (char*)segment->data;
538: for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
539: PetscBitMemcpy(odata,i*bs,idata,keys[i]*bs,bs,segment->datatype);
540: }
541: *data = (void*)odata;
542: return(0);
543: }
545: #undef __FUNCT__
547: int AODataSegmentRestore_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name,char *segname,int n,int *keys,void **data)
548: {
552: PetscFree(*data);
553: return(0);
554: }
556: #undef __FUNCT__
558: int AODataSegmentGetLocal_Basic(AOData ao,char *name,char *segname,int n,int *keys,void **data)
559: {
560: int ierr,*globals,*locals,bs;
561: PetscDataType dtype;
562: AODataKey *key;
563: PetscTruth flag;
566: AODataKeyFind_Private(ao,segname,&flag,&key);
567: if (!flag) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Segment does not have corresponding key");
568: if (!key->ltog) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"No local to global mapping set for key");
569: AODataSegmentGetInfo(ao,name,segname,&bs,&dtype);
570: if (dtype != PETSC_INT) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Datatype of segment must be PETSC_INT");
572: /* get the values in global indexing */
573: AODataSegmentGet_Basic(ao,name,segname,n,keys,(void **)&globals);
575: /* allocate space to store them in local indexing */
576: PetscMalloc((n+1)*bs*sizeof(int),&locals);
578: ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(key->ltog,IS_GTOLM_MASK,n*bs,globals,PETSC_NULL,locals);
580: AODataSegmentRestore_Basic(ao,name,segname,n,keys,(void **)&globals);
582: *data = (void*)locals;
583: return(0);
584: }
586: #undef __FUNCT__
588: int AODataSegmentRestoreLocal_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name,char *segname,int n,int *keys,void **data)
589: {
593: PetscFree(*data);
594: return(0);
595: }
597: EXTERN int AOBasicGetIndices_Private(AO,int **,int **);
599: #undef __FUNCT__
601: int AODataKeyRemap_Basic(AOData aodata,char *keyname,AO ao)
602: {
603: int ierr,*inew,k,*ii,nk,dsize,bs,nkb;
604: char *data,*tmpdata;
605: AODataKey *key;
606: AODataSegment *seg;
607: PetscTruth flag,match;
611: /* remap all the values in the segments that match the key */
612: key = aodata->keys;
613: while (key) {
614: seg = key->segments;
615: while (seg) {
616: PetscStrcmp(seg->name,keyname,&match);
617: if (!match) {
618: seg = seg->next;
619: continue;
620: }
621: if (seg->datatype != PETSC_INT) {
622: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Segment name same as key but not integer type");
623: }
624: nk = seg->bs*key->N;
625: ii = (int*)seg->data;
626: AOPetscToApplication(ao,nk,ii);
627: seg = seg->next;
628: }
629: key = key->next;
630: }
632: AOBasicGetIndices_Private(ao,&inew,PETSC_NULL);
633: /* reorder in the arrays all the values for the key */
634: AODataKeyFind_Private(aodata,keyname,&flag,&key);
635: if (!flag) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Could not find key");
636: nk = key->N;
637: seg = key->segments;
638: while (seg) {
639: ierr = PetscDataTypeGetSize(seg->datatype,&dsize);
640: bs = seg->bs;
641: data = (char*)seg->data;
642: if (seg->datatype == PETSC_LOGICAL) nkb = PetscBTLength(nk*bs); else nkb = nk*bs;
643: PetscMalloc((nkb+1)*dsize,&tmpdata);
645: for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
646: PetscBitMemcpy(tmpdata,inew[k]*bs,data,k*bs,bs,seg->datatype);
647: }
648: PetscMemcpy(data,tmpdata,nkb*dsize);
649: PetscFree(tmpdata);
650: seg = seg->next;
651: }
653: return(0);
654: }
656: #undef __FUNCT__
658: int AODataKeyGetAdjacency_Basic(AOData aodata,char *keyname,Mat *adj)
659: {
660: int ierr,cnt,i,j,*jj,*ii,nlocal,n,*nb,bs,ls;
661: AODataKey *key;
662: AODataSegment *seg;
663: PetscTruth flag;
666: AODataSegmentFind_Private(aodata,keyname,keyname,&flag,&key,&seg);
667: if (!flag) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Cannot locate key with neighbor segment");
669: /*
670: Get the beginning of the neighbor list for this processor
671: */
672: bs = seg->bs;
673: nb = (int*)seg->data;
674: nb += bs*key->rstart;
675: nlocal = key->rend - key->rstart;
676: n = bs*key->N;
678: /*
679: Assemble the adjacency graph: first we determine total number of entries
680: */
681: cnt = 0;
682: for (i=0; i<bs*nlocal; i++) {
683: if (nb[i] >= 0) cnt++;
684: }
685: PetscMalloc((nlocal + 1)*sizeof(int),&ii);
686: PetscMalloc((cnt+1)*sizeof(int),&jj);
687: ii[0] = 0;
688: cnt = 0;
689: for (i=0; i<nlocal; i++) {
690: ls = 0;
691: for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
692: if (nb[bs*i+j] >= 0) {
693: jj[cnt++] = nb[bs*i+j];
694: ls++;
695: }
696: }
697: /* now sort the column indices for this row */
698: PetscSortInt(ls,jj+cnt-ls);
699: ii[i+1] = cnt;
700: }
702: MatCreateMPIAdj(aodata->comm,nlocal,n,ii,jj,PETSC_NULL,adj);
703: return(0);
704: }
706: #undef __FUNCT__
708: int AODataSegmentPartition_Basic(AOData aodata,char *keyname,char *segname)
709: {
710: int ierr,size,bs,i,j,*idx,nc,*isc;
711: AO ao;
712: AODataKey *key,*keyseg;
713: AODataSegment *segment;
714: PetscTruth flag;
718: AODataKeyFind_Private(aodata,segname,&flag,&keyseg);
719: if (!flag) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Cannot locate segment as a key");
720: PetscMalloc(keyseg->N*sizeof(int),&isc);
721: PetscMemzero(isc,keyseg->N*sizeof(int));
723: AODataSegmentFind_Private(aodata,keyname,segname,&flag,&key,&segment);
724: if (flag != 1) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Cannot locate segment");
725: MPI_Comm_size(aodata->comm,&size);
727: bs = segment->bs;
729: idx = (int*)segment->data;
730: nc = 0;
731: for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
732: for (j=bs*key->rowners[i]; j<bs*key->rowners[i+1]; j++) {
733: if (!isc[idx[j]]) {
734: isc[idx[j]] = ++nc;
735: }
736: }
737: }
738: for (i=0; i<keyseg->N; i++) {
739: isc[i]--;
740: }
742: AOCreateBasic(aodata->comm,keyseg->nlocal,isc+keyseg->rstart,PETSC_NULL,&ao);
743: PetscFree(isc);
745: AODataKeyRemap(aodata,segname,ao);
746: AODestroy(ao);
747: return(0);
748: }
750: #undef __FUNCT__
752: int AODataKeyGetActive_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name,char *segname,int n,int *keys,int wl,IS *is)
753: {
754: int ierr,i,cnt,*fnd,bs;
755: AODataKey *key;
756: AODataSegment *segment;
757: PetscBT bt;
758: PetscTruth flag;
761: AODataSegmentFind_Private(aodata,name,segname,&flag,&key,&segment);
762: if (!flag) SETERRQ(1,"Cannot locate segment");
764: bt = (PetscBT) segment->data;
765: bs = segment->bs;
767: if (wl >= bs) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Bit field (wl) argument too large");
769: /* count the active ones */
770: cnt = 0;
771: for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
772: if (PetscBTLookup(bt,keys[i]*bs+wl)) {
773: cnt++;
774: }
775: }
777: PetscMalloc((cnt+1)*sizeof(int),&fnd);
778: cnt = 0;
779: for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
780: if (PetscBTLookup(bt,keys[i]*bs+wl)) {
781: fnd[cnt++] = keys[i];
782: }
783: }
785: ISCreateGeneral(aodata->comm,cnt,fnd,is);
786: PetscFree(fnd);
787: return(0);
788: }
790: #undef __FUNCT__
792: int AODataKeyGetActiveLocal_Basic(AOData aodata,char *name,char *segname,int n,int *keys,int wl,IS *is)
793: {
794: int ierr,i,cnt,*fnd,bs,*locals;
795: AODataKey *key;
796: AODataSegment *segment;
797: PetscBT bt;
798: PetscTruth flag;
801: AODataSegmentFind_Private(aodata,name,segname,&flag,&key,&segment);
802: if (!flag) SETERRQ(1,"Cannot locate segment");
804: bt = (PetscBT) segment->data;
805: bs = segment->bs;
807: if (wl >= bs) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Bit field (wl) argument too large");
809: /* count the active ones */
810: cnt = 0;
811: for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
812: if (PetscBTLookup(bt,keys[i]*bs+wl)) {
813: cnt++;
814: }
815: }
817: PetscMalloc((cnt+1)*sizeof(int),&fnd);
818: cnt = 0;
819: for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
820: if (PetscBTLookup(bt,keys[i]*bs+wl)) {
821: fnd[cnt++] = keys[i];
822: }
823: }
825: PetscMalloc((n+1)*sizeof(int),&locals);
826: ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(key->ltog,IS_GTOLM_MASK,cnt,fnd,PETSC_NULL,locals);
827: PetscFree(fnd);
828: ISCreateGeneral(aodata->comm,cnt,locals,is);
829: PetscFree(locals);
830: return(0);
831: }
833: EXTERN int AODataSegmentGetReduced_Basic(AOData,char *,char *,int,int*,IS *);
834: EXTERN int AODataPublish_Petsc(PetscObject);
836: static struct _AODataOps myops = {AODataSegmentAdd_Basic,
837: AODataSegmentGet_Basic,
838: AODataSegmentRestore_Basic,
839: AODataSegmentGetLocal_Basic,
840: AODataSegmentRestoreLocal_Basic,
841: AODataSegmentGetReduced_Basic,
842: AODataSegmentGetExtrema_Basic,
843: AODataKeyRemap_Basic,
844: AODataKeyGetAdjacency_Basic,
845: AODataKeyGetActive_Basic,
846: AODataKeyGetActiveLocal_Basic,
847: AODataSegmentPartition_Basic,
848: AODataKeyRemove_Basic,
849: AODataSegmentRemove_Basic,
850: AODataDestroy_Basic,
851: AODataView_Basic};
853: #undef __FUNCT__
855: /*@C
856: AODataCreateBasic - Creates an AO datastructure.
858: Collective on MPI_Comm
860: Input Parameters:
861: . comm - MPI communicator that is to share AO
863: Output Parameter:
864: . aoout - the new database
866: Options Database Keys:
867: + -ao_data_view - Prints entire database at the conclusion of AODataSegmentAdd()
868: - -ao_data_view_info - Prints info about database at the conclusion of AODataSegmentAdd()
870: Level: intermediate
872: .keywords: AOData, create
874: .seealso: AODataSegmentAdd(), AODataDestroy()
875: @*/
876: int AODataCreateBasic(MPI_Comm comm,AOData *aoout)
877: {
878: AOData ao;
879: int ierr;
883: *aoout = 0;
885: DMInitializePackage(PETSC_NULL);
886: #endif
888: PetscHeaderCreate(ao,_p_AOData,struct _AODataOps,AODATA_COOKIE,AODATA_BASIC,"AOData",comm,AODataDestroy,AODataView);
889: PetscLogObjectCreate(ao);
890: PetscLogObjectMemory(ao,sizeof(struct _p_AOData));
892: PetscMemcpy(ao->ops,&myops,sizeof(myops));
893: ao->bops->publish = AODataPublish_Petsc;
895: ao->nkeys = 0;
896: ao->keys = 0;
897: ao->datacomplete = 0;
899: PetscPublishAll(ao);
900: *aoout = ao;
901: return(0);
902: }
904: #undef __FUNCT__
906: /*@C
907: AODataLoadBasic - Loads an AO database from a file.
909: Collective on PetscViewer
911: Input Parameters:
912: . viewer - the binary file containing the data
914: Output Parameter:
915: . aoout - the new database
917: Options Database Keys:
918: + -ao_data_view - Prints entire database at the conclusion of AODataLoadBasic()
919: - -ao_data_view_info - Prints info about database at the conclusion of AODataLoadBasic()
921: Level: intermediate
923: .keywords: AOData, create, load, basic
925: .seealso: AODataSegmentAdd(), AODataDestroy(), AODataCreateBasic(), AODataView()
926: @*/
927: int AODataLoadBasic(PetscViewer viewer,AOData *aoout)
928: {
929: AOData ao;
930: int fd,nkeys,i,ierr,dsize,j,size,rank,Nb;
931: char paddedname[256];
932: AODataSegment *seg = 0;
933: AODataKey *key = 0;
934: MPI_Comm comm;
935: PetscTruth isbinary,flg1;
938: *aoout = 0;
939: PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_BINARY,&isbinary);
940: if (!isbinary) {
941: SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Viewer must be obtained from PetscViewerBinaryOpen()");
942: }
944: PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)viewer,&comm);
945: MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);
946: MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);
948: PetscViewerBinaryGetDescriptor(viewer,&fd);
950: /* read in number of segments */
951: PetscBinaryRead(fd,&nkeys,1,PETSC_INT);
953: PetscHeaderCreate(ao,_p_AOData,struct _AODataOps,AODATA_COOKIE,AODATA_BASIC,"AOData",comm,AODataDestroy,AODataView);
954: PetscLogObjectCreate(ao);
955: PetscLogObjectMemory(ao,sizeof(struct _p_AOData) + nkeys*sizeof(void *));
957: PetscMemcpy(ao->ops,&myops,sizeof(myops));
958: ao->bops->publish = AODataPublish_Petsc;
960: ao->nkeys = nkeys;
962: for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) {
963: if (!i) {
964: ierr = PetscNew(AODataKey,&key);
965: ao->keys = key;
966: } else {
967: PetscNew(AODataKey,&key->next);
968: key = key->next;
969: }
970: key->ltog = 0;
971: key->next = 0;
973: /* read in key name */
974: PetscBinaryRead(fd,paddedname,256,PETSC_CHAR);
975: PetscStrallocpy(paddedname,&key->name);
976: PetscBinaryRead(fd,&key->N,1,PETSC_INT);
978: /* determine Nlocal and rowners for key */
979: key->nlocal = key->N/size + ((key->N % size) > rank);
980: PetscMalloc((size+1)*sizeof(int),&key->rowners);
981: MPI_Allgather(&key->nlocal,1,MPI_INT,key->rowners+1,1,MPI_INT,comm);
982: key->rowners[0] = 0;
983: for (j=2; j<=size; j++) {
984: key->rowners[j] += key->rowners[j-1];
985: }
986: key->rstart = key->rowners[rank];
987: key->rend = key->rowners[rank+1];
989: /* loop key's segments, reading them in */
990: PetscBinaryRead(fd,&key->nsegments,1,PETSC_INT);
992: for (j=0; j<key->nsegments; j++) {
993: if (!j) {
994: ierr = PetscNew(AODataSegment,&seg);
995: key->segments = seg;
996: } else {
997: PetscNew(AODataSegment,&seg->next);
998: seg = seg->next;
999: }
1001: /* read in segment name */
1002: PetscBinaryRead(fd,paddedname,256,PETSC_CHAR);
1003: PetscStrallocpy(paddedname,&seg->name);
1005: /* read in segment blocksize and datatype */
1006: PetscBinaryRead(fd,&seg->bs,1,PETSC_INT);
1007: PetscBinaryRead(fd,&seg->datatype,1,PETSC_INT);
1009: /* allocate the space for the data */
1010: PetscDataTypeGetSize(seg->datatype,&dsize);
1011: if (seg->datatype == PETSC_LOGICAL) Nb = PetscBTLength(key->N*seg->bs); else Nb = key->N*seg->bs;
1012: PetscMalloc(Nb*dsize,&seg->data);
1013: /* read in the data */
1014: PetscBinaryRead(fd,seg->data,key->N*seg->bs,seg->datatype);
1015: seg->next = 0;
1016: }
1017: }
1018: *aoout = ao;
1020: PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL,"-ao_data_view",&flg1);
1021: if (flg1) {
1022: AODataView(ao,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(comm));
1023: }
1024: PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL,"-ao_data_view_info",&flg1);
1025: if (flg1) {
1027: AODataView(ao,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(comm));
1028: PetscViewerPopFormat(PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(comm));
1029: }
1030: PetscPublishAll(ao);
1031: return(0);
1032: }