Actual source code: dagetarray.c

  1: /*$Id: dagetarray.c,v 1.13 2001/08/06 21:18:33 bsmith Exp $*/
 3:  #include petscda.h

  5: #undef __FUNCT__  
  7: /*@C
  8:    DAVecGetArray - Returns a multiple dimension array that shares data with 
  9:       the underlying vector and is indexed using the global dimensions.

 11:    Not Collective

 13:    Input Parameter:
 14: +  da - the distributed array
 15: -  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with 
 16:          DACreateGlobalVector() or DACreateLocalVector()
 18:    Output Parameter:
 19: .  array - the array

 21:    Notes:
 22:     Call DAVecRestoreArray() once you have finished accessing the vector entries.

 24:   Level: intermediate

 26: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

 28: .seealso: DAGetGhostCorners(), DAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DAVecRestoreArray()
 29: @*/
 30: int DAVecGetArray(DA da,Vec vec,void **array)
 31: {
 32:   int ierr,xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

 35:   DAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
 36:   DAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
 37:   DAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0);

 39:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
 40:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
 41:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
 42:     gxm = xm;
 43:     gym = ym;
 44:     gzm = zm;
 45:     gxs = xs;
 46:     gys = ys;
 47:     gzs = zs;
 48:   } else if (N != gxm*gym*gzm*dof) {
 49:     SETERRQ3(1,"Vector local size %d is not compatible with DA local sizes %d %dn",N,xm*ym*zm*dof,gxm*gym*gzm*dof);
 50:   }

 52:   if (dim == 1) {
 53:     VecGetArray1d(vec,gxm*dof,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar **)array);
 54:   } else if (dim == 2) {
 55:     VecGetArray2d(vec,gym,gxm*dof,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar***)array);
 56:   } else if (dim == 3) {
 57:     VecGetArray3d(vec,gzm,gym,gxm*dof,gzs,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar****)array);
 58:   } else {
 59:     SETERRQ1(1,"DA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %dn",dim);
 60:   }

 62:   return(0);
 63: }

 65: #undef __FUNCT__  
 67: /*@
 68:    DAVecRestoreArray - Restores a multiple dimension array obtained with DAVecGetArray()

 70:    Not Collective

 72:    Input Parameter:
 73: +  da - the distributed array
 74: .  vec - the vector, either a vector the same size as one obtained with 
 75:          DACreateGlobalVector() or DACreateLocalVector()
 76: -  array - the array

 78:   Level: intermediate

 80: .keywords: distributed array, get, corners, nodes, local indices, coordinates

 82: .seealso: DAGetGhostCorners(), DAGetCorners(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), DAVecGetArray()
 83: @*/
 84: int DAVecRestoreArray(DA da,Vec vec,void **array)
 85: {
 86:   int ierr,xs,ys,zs,xm,ym,zm,gxs,gys,gzs,gxm,gym,gzm,N,dim,dof;

 89:   DAGetCorners(da,&xs,&ys,&zs,&xm,&ym,&zm);
 90:   DAGetGhostCorners(da,&gxs,&gys,&gzs,&gxm,&gym,&gzm);
 91:   DAGetInfo(da,&dim,0,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0);

 93:   /* Handle case where user passes in global vector as opposed to local */
 94:   VecGetLocalSize(vec,&N);
 95:   if (N == xm*ym*zm*dof) {
 96:     gxm = xm;
 97:     gym = ym;
 98:     gzm = zm;
 99:     gxs = xs;
100:     gys = ys;
101:     gzs = zs;
102:   }

104:   if (dim == 1) {
105:     VecRestoreArray1d(vec,gxm*dof,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar **)array);
106:   } else if (dim == 2) {
107:     VecRestoreArray2d(vec,gym,gxm*dof,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar***)array);
108:   } else if (dim == 3) {
109:     VecRestoreArray3d(vec,gzm,gym,gxm*dof,gzs,gys,gxs*dof,(PetscScalar****)array);
110:   } else {
111:     SETERRQ1(1,"DA dimension not 1, 2, or 3, it is %dn",dim);
112:   }
113:   return(0);
114: }