Actual source code: dainterp.c

  1: /*$Id: dainterp.c,v 1.25 2001/08/07 03:04:39 balay Exp $*/
  3: /*
  4:   Code for interpolating between grids represented by DAs
  5: */

 7:  #include src/dm/da/daimpl.h
 8:  #include petscmg.h

 10: #undef __FUNCT__  
 12: int DMGetInterpolationScale(DM dac,DM daf,Mat mat,Vec *scale)
 13: {
 14:   int    ierr;
 15:   Vec    fine;
 16:   PetscScalar one = 1.0;

 19:   DMCreateGlobalVector(daf,&fine);
 20:   DMCreateGlobalVector(dac,scale);
 21:   VecSet(&one,fine);
 22:   MatRestrict(mat,fine,*scale);
 23:   VecDestroy(fine);
 24:   VecReciprocal(*scale);
 25:   return(0);
 26: }

 28: #undef __FUNCT__  
 30: int DAGetInterpolation_1D_Q1(DA dac,DA daf,Mat *A)
 31: {
 32:   int            ierr,i,i_start,m_f,Mx,*idx_f;
 33:   int            m_ghost,*idx_c,m_ghost_c;
 34:   int            row,col,i_start_ghost,mx,m_c,nc,ratio;
 35:   int            i_c,i_start_c,i_start_ghost_c,cols[2],dof;
 36:   PetscScalar    v[2],x;
 37:   Mat            mat;
 38:   DAPeriodicType pt;

 41:   DAGetInfo(dac,0,&Mx,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,&pt,0);
 42:   DAGetInfo(daf,0,&mx,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0);
 43:   if (pt == DA_XPERIODIC) {
 44:     ratio = mx/Mx;
 45:     if (ratio*Mx != mx) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: mx/Mx  must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
 46:   } else {
 47:     ratio = (mx-1)/(Mx-1);
 48:     if (ratio*(Mx-1) != mx-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (mx - 1)/(Mx - 1) must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
 49:   }

 51:   DAGetCorners(daf,&i_start,0,0,&m_f,0,0);
 52:   DAGetGhostCorners(daf,&i_start_ghost,0,0,&m_ghost,0,0);
 53:   DAGetGlobalIndices(daf,PETSC_NULL,&idx_f);

 55:   DAGetCorners(dac,&i_start_c,0,0,&m_c,0,0);
 56:   DAGetGhostCorners(dac,&i_start_ghost_c,0,0,&m_ghost_c,0,0);
 57:   DAGetGlobalIndices(dac,PETSC_NULL,&idx_c);

 59:   /* create interpolation matrix */
 60:   MatCreateMPIAIJ(dac->comm,m_f,m_c,mx,Mx,2,0,0,0,&mat);
 61:   if (!DAXPeriodic(pt)){MatSetOption(mat,MAT_COLUMNS_SORTED);}

 63:   /* loop over local fine grid nodes setting interpolation for those*/
 64:   for (i=i_start; i<i_start+m_f; i++) {
 65:     /* convert to local "natural" numbering and then to PETSc global numbering */
 66:     row    = idx_f[dof*(i-i_start_ghost)]/dof;

 68:     i_c = (i/ratio);    /* coarse grid node to left of fine grid node */
 69:     if (i_c < i_start_ghost_c) SETERRQ3(1,"Processor's coarse DA must lie over fine DAn
 70:     i_start %d i_c %d i_start_ghost_c %d",i_start,i_c,i_start_ghost_c);

 72:     /* 
 73:          Only include those interpolation points that are truly 
 74:          nonzero. Note this is very important for final grid lines
 75:          in x direction; since they have no right neighbor
 76:     */
 77:     x  = ((double)(i - i_c*ratio))/((double)ratio);
 78:     /* printf("i j %d %d %g %gn",i,j,x,y); */
 79:     nc = 0;
 80:       /* one left and below; or we are right on it */
 81:     col      = dof*(i_c-i_start_ghost_c);
 82:     cols[nc] = idx_c[col]/dof;
 83:     v[nc++]  = - x + 1.0;
 84:     /* one right? */
 85:     if (i_c*ratio != i) {
 86:       cols[nc] = idx_c[col+dof]/dof;
 87:       v[nc++]  = x;
 88:     }
 89:     MatSetValues(mat,1,&row,nc,cols,v,INSERT_VALUES);
 90:   }
 91:   MatAssemblyBegin(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 92:   MatAssemblyEnd(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
 93:   MatCreateMAIJ(mat,dof,A);
 94:   MatDestroy(mat);
 95:   PetscLogFlops(5*m_f);
 96:   return(0);
 97: }

 99: #undef __FUNCT__  
101: int DAGetInterpolation_1D_Q0(DA dac,DA daf,Mat *A)
102: {
103:   int            ierr,i,i_start,m_f,Mx,*idx_f;
104:   int            m_ghost,*idx_c,m_ghost_c;
105:   int            row,col,i_start_ghost,mx,m_c,nc,ratio;
106:   int            i_c,i_start_c,i_start_ghost_c,cols[2],dof;
107:   PetscScalar    v[2],x;
108:   Mat            mat;
109:   DAPeriodicType pt;

112:   DAGetInfo(dac,0,&Mx,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,&pt,0);
113:   DAGetInfo(daf,0,&mx,0,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0);
114:   if (pt == DA_XPERIODIC) {
115:     ratio = mx/Mx;
116:     if (ratio*Mx != mx) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: mx/Mx  must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
117:   } else {
118:     ratio = (mx-1)/(Mx-1);
119:     if (ratio*(Mx-1) != mx-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (mx - 1)/(Mx - 1) must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
120:   }

122:   DAGetCorners(daf,&i_start,0,0,&m_f,0,0);
123:   DAGetGhostCorners(daf,&i_start_ghost,0,0,&m_ghost,0,0);
124:   DAGetGlobalIndices(daf,PETSC_NULL,&idx_f);

126:   DAGetCorners(dac,&i_start_c,0,0,&m_c,0,0);
127:   DAGetGhostCorners(dac,&i_start_ghost_c,0,0,&m_ghost_c,0,0);
128:   DAGetGlobalIndices(dac,PETSC_NULL,&idx_c);

130:   /* create interpolation matrix */
131:   MatCreateMPIAIJ(dac->comm,m_f,m_c,mx,Mx,2,0,0,0,&mat);
132:   if (!DAXPeriodic(pt)) {MatSetOption(mat,MAT_COLUMNS_SORTED);}

134:   /* loop over local fine grid nodes setting interpolation for those*/
135:   for (i=i_start; i<i_start+m_f; i++) {
136:     /* convert to local "natural" numbering and then to PETSc global numbering */
137:     row    = idx_f[dof*(i-i_start_ghost)]/dof;

139:     i_c = (i/ratio);    /* coarse grid node to left of fine grid node */

141:     /* 
142:          Only include those interpolation points that are truly 
143:          nonzero. Note this is very important for final grid lines
144:          in x direction; since they have no right neighbor
145:     */
146:     x  = ((double)(i - i_c*ratio))/((double)ratio);
147:     /* printf("i j %d %d %g %gn",i,j,x,y); */
148:     nc = 0;
149:       /* one left and below; or we are right on it */
150:     col      = dof*(i_c-i_start_ghost_c);
151:     cols[nc] = idx_c[col]/dof;
152:     v[nc++]  = - x + 1.0;
153:     /* one right? */
154:     if (i_c*ratio != i) {
155:       cols[nc] = idx_c[col+dof]/dof;
156:       v[nc++]  = x;
157:     }
158:     MatSetValues(mat,1,&row,nc,cols,v,INSERT_VALUES);
159:   }
160:   MatAssemblyBegin(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
161:   MatAssemblyEnd(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
162:   MatCreateMAIJ(mat,dof,A);
163:   MatDestroy(mat);
164:   PetscLogFlops(5*m_f);
165:   return(0);
166: }

169: /*   dof degree of freedom per node, nonperiodic */
170: #undef __FUNCT__  
172: int DAGetInterpolation_2D_Q1(DA dac,DA daf,Mat *A)
173: {
174:   int            ierr,i,j,i_start,j_start,m_f,n_f,Mx,My,*idx_f,dof;
175:   int            m_ghost,n_ghost,*idx_c,m_ghost_c,n_ghost_c,*dnz,*onz;
176:   int            row,col,i_start_ghost,j_start_ghost,cols[4],mx,m_c,my,nc,ratioi,ratioj;
177:   int            i_c,j_c,i_start_c,j_start_c,n_c,i_start_ghost_c,j_start_ghost_c;
178:   int            size_c,size_f,rank_f,col_shift,col_scale;
179:   PetscScalar    v[4],x,y;
180:   Mat            mat;
181:   DAPeriodicType pt;

185:   DAGetInfo(dac,0,&Mx,&My,0,0,0,0,0,0,&pt,0);
186:   DAGetInfo(daf,0,&mx,&my,0,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0);
187:   if (DAXPeriodic(pt)){
188:     ratioi = mx/Mx;
189:     if (ratioi*Mx != mx) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: mx/Mx  must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
190:   } else {
191:     ratioi = (mx-1)/(Mx-1);
192:     if (ratioi*(Mx-1) != mx-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (mx - 1)/(Mx - 1) must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
193:   }
194:   if (DAYPeriodic(pt)){
195:     ratioj = my/My;
196:     if (ratioj*My != my) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: my/My  must be integer: my %d My %d",my,My);
197:   } else {
198:     ratioj = (my-1)/(My-1);
199:     if (ratioj*(My-1) != my-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (my - 1)/(My - 1) must be integer: my %d My %d",my,My);
200:   }

203:   DAGetCorners(daf,&i_start,&j_start,0,&m_f,&n_f,0);
204:   DAGetGhostCorners(daf,&i_start_ghost,&j_start_ghost,0,&m_ghost,&n_ghost,0);
205:   DAGetGlobalIndices(daf,PETSC_NULL,&idx_f);

207:   DAGetCorners(dac,&i_start_c,&j_start_c,0,&m_c,&n_c,0);
208:   DAGetGhostCorners(dac,&i_start_ghost_c,&j_start_ghost_c,0,&m_ghost_c,&n_ghost_c,0);
209:   DAGetGlobalIndices(dac,PETSC_NULL,&idx_c);

211:   /*
212:      Used for handling a coarse DA that lives on 1/4 the processors of the fine DA.
213:      The coarse vector is then duplicated 4 times (each time it lives on 1/4 of the 
214:      processors). It's effective length is hence 4 times its normal length, this is
215:      why the col_scale is multiplied by the interpolation matrix column sizes.
216:      sol_shift allows each set of 1/4 processors do its own interpolation using ITS
217:      copy of the coarse vector. A bit of a hack but you do better.

219:      In the standard case when size_f == size_c col_scale == 1 and col_shift == 0
220:   */
221:   MPI_Comm_size(dac->comm,&size_c);
222:   MPI_Comm_size(daf->comm,&size_f);
223:   MPI_Comm_rank(daf->comm,&rank_f);
224:   col_scale = size_f/size_c;
225:   col_shift = Mx*My*(rank_f/size_c);

227:   MatPreallocateInitialize(daf->comm,m_f*n_f,col_scale*m_c*n_c,dnz,onz);
228:   for (j=j_start; j<j_start+n_f; j++) {
229:     for (i=i_start; i<i_start+m_f; i++) {
230:       /* convert to local "natural" numbering and then to PETSc global numbering */
231:       row    = idx_f[dof*(m_ghost*(j-j_start_ghost) + (i-i_start_ghost))]/dof;

233:       i_c = (i/ratioi);    /* coarse grid node to left of fine grid node */
234:       j_c = (j/ratioj);    /* coarse grid node below fine grid node */

236:       if (j_c < j_start_ghost_c) SETERRQ3(1,"Processor's coarse DA must lie over fine DAn
237:     j_start %d j_c %d j_start_ghost_c %d",j_start,j_c,j_start_ghost_c);
238:       if (i_c < i_start_ghost_c) SETERRQ3(1,"Processor's coarse DA must lie over fine DAn
239:     i_start %d i_c %d i_start_ghost_c %d",i_start,i_c,i_start_ghost_c);

241:       /* 
242:          Only include those interpolation points that are truly 
243:          nonzero. Note this is very important for final grid lines
244:          in x and y directions; since they have no right/top neighbors
245:       */
246:       nc = 0;
247:       /* one left and below; or we are right on it */
248:       col        = dof*(m_ghost_c*(j_c-j_start_ghost_c) + (i_c-i_start_ghost_c));
249:       cols[nc++] = col_shift + idx_c[col]/dof;
250:       /* one right and below */
251:       if (i_c*ratioi != i) {
252:         cols[nc++] = col_shift + idx_c[col+dof]/dof;
253:       }
254:       /* one left and above */
255:       if (j_c*ratioj != j) {
256:         cols[nc++] = col_shift + idx_c[col+m_ghost_c*dof]/dof;
257:       }
258:       /* one right and above */
259:       if (j_c*ratioi != j && i_c*ratioj != i) {
260:         cols[nc++] = col_shift + idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
261:       }
262:       MatPreallocateSet(row,nc,cols,dnz,onz);
263:     }
264:   }
265:   MatCreateMPIAIJ(daf->comm,m_f*n_f,col_scale*m_c*n_c,mx*my,col_scale*Mx*My,0,dnz,0,onz,&mat);
266:   MatPreallocateFinalize(dnz,onz);
267:   if (!DAXPeriodic(pt) && !DAYPeriodic(pt)) {MatSetOption(mat,MAT_COLUMNS_SORTED);}

269:   /* loop over local fine grid nodes setting interpolation for those*/
270:   for (j=j_start; j<j_start+n_f; j++) {
271:     for (i=i_start; i<i_start+m_f; i++) {
272:       /* convert to local "natural" numbering and then to PETSc global numbering */
273:       row    = idx_f[dof*(m_ghost*(j-j_start_ghost) + (i-i_start_ghost))]/dof;

275:       i_c = (i/ratioi);    /* coarse grid node to left of fine grid node */
276:       j_c = (j/ratioj);    /* coarse grid node below fine grid node */

278:       /* 
279:          Only include those interpolation points that are truly 
280:          nonzero. Note this is very important for final grid lines
281:          in x and y directions; since they have no right/top neighbors
282:       */
283:       x  = ((double)(i - i_c*ratioi))/((double)ratioi);
284:       y  = ((double)(j - j_c*ratioj))/((double)ratioj);
285:       /* printf("i j %d %d %g %gn",i,j,x,y); */
286:       nc = 0;
287:       /* one left and below; or we are right on it */
288:       col      = dof*(m_ghost_c*(j_c-j_start_ghost_c) + (i_c-i_start_ghost_c));
289:       cols[nc] = col_shift + idx_c[col]/dof;
290:       v[nc++]  = x*y - x - y + 1.0;
291:       /* one right and below */
292:       if (i_c*ratioi != i) {
293:         cols[nc] = col_shift + idx_c[col+dof]/dof;
294:         v[nc++]  = -x*y + x;
295:       }
296:       /* one left and above */
297:       if (j_c*ratioj != j) {
298:         cols[nc] = col_shift + idx_c[col+m_ghost_c*dof]/dof;
299:         v[nc++]  = -x*y + y;
300:       }
301:       /* one right and above */
302:       if (j_c*ratioj != j && i_c*ratioi != i) {
303:         cols[nc] = col_shift + idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
304:         v[nc++]  = x*y;
305:       }
306:       MatSetValues(mat,1,&row,nc,cols,v,INSERT_VALUES);
307:     }
308:   }
309:   MatAssemblyBegin(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
310:   MatAssemblyEnd(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
311:   MatCreateMAIJ(mat,dof,A);
312:   MatDestroy(mat);
313:   PetscLogFlops(13*m_f*n_f);
314:   return(0);
315: }

318: /*   dof degree of freedom per node, nonperiodic */
319: #undef __FUNCT__  
321: int DAGetInterpolation_3D_Q1(DA dac,DA daf,Mat *A)
322: {
323:   int            ierr,i,j,i_start,j_start,m_f,n_f,Mx,My,*idx_f,dof,l;
324:   int            m_ghost,n_ghost,*idx_c,m_ghost_c,n_ghost_c,Mz,mz;
325:   int            row,col,i_start_ghost,j_start_ghost,cols[8],mx,m_c,my,nc,ratioi,ratioj,ratiok;
326:   int            i_c,j_c,i_start_c,j_start_c,n_c,i_start_ghost_c,j_start_ghost_c;
327:   int            l_start,p_f,l_start_ghost,p_ghost,l_start_c,p_c;
328:   int            l_start_ghost_c,p_ghost_c,l_c,*dnz,*onz;
329:   PetscScalar    v[8],x,y,z;
330:   Mat            mat;
331:   DAPeriodicType pt;

334:   DAGetInfo(dac,0,&Mx,&My,&Mz,0,0,0,0,0,&pt,0);
335:   DAGetInfo(daf,0,&mx,&my,&mz,0,0,0,&dof,0,0,0);
336:   if (DAXPeriodic(pt)){
337:     ratioi = mx/Mx;
338:     if (ratioi*Mx != mx) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: mx/Mx  must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
339:   } else {
340:     ratioi = (mx-1)/(Mx-1);
341:     if (ratioi*(Mx-1) != mx-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (mx - 1)/(Mx - 1) must be integer: mx %d Mx %d",mx,Mx);
342:   }
343:   if (DAYPeriodic(pt)){
344:     ratioj = my/My;
345:     if (ratioj*My != my) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: my/My  must be integer: my %d My %d",my,My);
346:   } else {
347:     ratioj = (my-1)/(My-1);
348:     if (ratioj*(My-1) != my-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (my - 1)/(My - 1) must be integer: my %d My %d",my,My);
349:   }
350:   if (DAZPeriodic(pt)){
351:     ratiok = mz/Mz;
352:     if (ratiok*Mz != mz) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: mz/Mz  must be integer: mz %d Mz %d",mz,Mz);
353:   } else {
354:     ratiok = (mz-1)/(Mz-1);
355:     if (ratiok*(Mz-1) != mz-1) SETERRQ2(1,"Ratio between levels: (mz - 1)/(Mz - 1) must be integer: mz %d Mz %d",mz,Mz);
356:   }

358:   DAGetCorners(daf,&i_start,&j_start,&l_start,&m_f,&n_f,&p_f);
359:   DAGetGhostCorners(daf,&i_start_ghost,&j_start_ghost,&l_start_ghost,&m_ghost,&n_ghost,&p_ghost);
360:   DAGetGlobalIndices(daf,PETSC_NULL,&idx_f);

362:   DAGetCorners(dac,&i_start_c,&j_start_c,&l_start_c,&m_c,&n_c,&p_c);
363:   DAGetGhostCorners(dac,&i_start_ghost_c,&j_start_ghost_c,&l_start_ghost_c,&m_ghost_c,&n_ghost_c,&p_ghost_c);
364:   DAGetGlobalIndices(dac,PETSC_NULL,&idx_c);

366:   /* create interpolation matrix, determining exact preallocation */
367:   MatPreallocateInitialize(dac->comm,m_f*n_f*p_f,m_c*n_c*p_c,dnz,onz);
368:   /* loop over local fine grid nodes counting interpolating points */
369:   for (l=l_start; l<l_start+p_f; l++) {
370:     for (j=j_start; j<j_start+n_f; j++) {
371:       for (i=i_start; i<i_start+m_f; i++) {
372:         /* convert to local "natural" numbering and then to PETSc global numbering */
373:         row = idx_f[dof*(m_ghost*n_ghost*(l-l_start_ghost) + m_ghost*(j-j_start_ghost) + (i-i_start_ghost))]/dof;
374:         i_c = (i/ratioi);
375:         j_c = (j/ratioj);
376:         l_c = (l/ratiok);
377:         if (l_c < l_start_ghost_c) SETERRQ3(1,"Processor's coarse DA must lie over fine DAn
378:           l_start %d l_c %d l_start_ghost_c %d",l_start,l_c,l_start_ghost_c);
379:         if (j_c < j_start_ghost_c) SETERRQ3(1,"Processor's coarse DA must lie over fine DAn
380:           j_start %d j_c %d j_start_ghost_c %d",j_start,j_c,j_start_ghost_c);
381:         if (i_c < i_start_ghost_c) SETERRQ3(1,"Processor's coarse DA must lie over fine DAn
382:           i_start %d i_c %d i_start_ghost_c %d",i_start,i_c,i_start_ghost_c);

384:         /* 
385:          Only include those interpolation points that are truly 
386:          nonzero. Note this is very important for final grid lines
387:          in x and y directions; since they have no right/top neighbors
388:         */
389:         nc       = 0;
390:         col      = dof*(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c*(l_c-l_start_ghost_c) + m_ghost_c*(j_c-j_start_ghost_c) + (i_c-i_start_ghost_c));
391:         cols[nc++] = idx_c[col]/dof;
392:         if (i_c*ratioi != i) {
393:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+dof]/dof;
394:         }
395:         if (j_c*ratioj != j) {
396:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+m_ghost_c*dof]/dof;
397:         }
398:         if (l_c*ratiok != l) {
399:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c*dof]/dof;
400:         }
401:         if (j_c*ratioj != j && i_c*ratioi != i) {
402:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
403:         }
404:         if (j_c*ratioj != j && l_c*ratiok != l) {
405:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c+m_ghost_c)*dof]/dof;
406:         }
407:         if (i_c*ratioi != i && l_c*ratiok != l) {
408:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
409:         }
410:         if (i_c*ratioi != i && l_c*ratiok != l && j_c*ratioj != j) {
411:           cols[nc++] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c+m_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
412:         }
413:         MatPreallocateSet(row,nc,cols,dnz,onz);
414:       }
415:     }
416:   }
417:   MatCreateMPIAIJ(dac->comm,m_f*n_f*p_f,m_c*n_c*p_c,mx*my*mz,Mx*My*Mz,0,dnz,0,onz,&mat);
418:   MatPreallocateFinalize(dnz,onz);
419:   if (!DAXPeriodic(pt) && !DAYPeriodic(pt) && !DAZPeriodic(pt)) {MatSetOption(mat,MAT_COLUMNS_SORTED);}

421:   /* loop over local fine grid nodes setting interpolation for those*/
422:   for (l=l_start; l<l_start+p_f; l++) {
423:     for (j=j_start; j<j_start+n_f; j++) {
424:       for (i=i_start; i<i_start+m_f; i++) {
425:         /* convert to local "natural" numbering and then to PETSc global numbering */
426:         row = idx_f[dof*(m_ghost*n_ghost*(l-l_start_ghost) + m_ghost*(j-j_start_ghost) + (i-i_start_ghost))]/dof;

428:         i_c = (i/ratioi);
429:         j_c = (j/ratioj);
430:         l_c = (l/ratiok);

432:         /* 
433:            Only include those interpolation points that are truly 
434:            nonzero. Note this is very important for final grid lines
435:            in x and y directions; since they have no right/top neighbors
436:         */
437:         x  = ((double)(i - i_c*ratioi))/((double)ratioi);
438:         y  = ((double)(j - j_c*ratioj))/((double)ratioj);
439:         z  = ((double)(l - l_c*ratiok))/((double)ratiok);
440:         /* printf("i j l %d %d %d %g %g %gn",i,j,l,x,y,z); */
441:         nc = 0;
442:         /* one left and below; or we are right on it */
443:         col      = dof*(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c*(l_c-l_start_ghost_c)+m_ghost_c*(j_c-j_start_ghost_c)+(i_c-i_start_ghost_c));

445:         cols[nc] = idx_c[col]/dof;
446:         v[nc++]  = .125*(1. - (2.0*x-1.))*(1. - (2.0*y-1.))*(1. - (2.0*z-1.));

448:         if (i_c*ratioi != i) {
449:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+dof]/dof;
450:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. + (2.0*x-1.))*(1. - (2.0*y-1.))*(1. - (2.0*z-1.));
451:         }

453:         if (j_c*ratioj != j) {
454:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+m_ghost_c*dof]/dof;
455:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. - (2.0*x-1.))*(1. + (2.0*y-1.))*(1. - (2.0*z-1.));
456:         }

458:         if (l_c*ratiok != l) {
459:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c*dof]/dof;
460:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. - (2.0*x-1.))*(1. - (2.0*y-1.))*(1. + (2.0*z-1.));
461:         }

463:         if (j_c*ratioj != j && i_c*ratioi != i) {
464:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
465:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. + (2.0*x-1.))*(1. + (2.0*y-1.))*(1. - (2.0*z-1.));
466:         }

468:         if (j_c*ratioj != j && l_c*ratiok != l) {
469:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c+m_ghost_c)*dof]/dof;
470:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. - (2.0*x-1.))*(1. + (2.0*y-1.))*(1. + (2.0*z-1.));
471:         }

473:         if (i_c*ratioi != i && l_c*ratiok != l) {
474:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
475:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. + (2.0*x-1.))*(1. - (2.0*y-1.))*(1. + (2.0*z-1.));
476:         }

478:         if (i_c*ratioi != i && l_c*ratiok != l && j_c*ratioj != j) {
479:           cols[nc] = idx_c[col+(m_ghost_c*n_ghost_c+m_ghost_c+1)*dof]/dof;
480:           v[nc++]  = .125*(1. + (2.0*x-1.))*(1. + (2.0*y-1.))*(1. + (2.0*z-1.));
481:         }
482:         MatSetValues(mat,1,&row,nc,cols,v,INSERT_VALUES);
483:       }
484:     }
485:   }
486:   MatAssemblyBegin(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
487:   MatAssemblyEnd(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);

489:   MatCreateMAIJ(mat,dof,A);
490:   MatDestroy(mat);
491:   PetscLogFlops(13*m_f*n_f);
492:   return(0);
493: }

495: #undef __FUNCT__  
497: /*@C
498:    DAGetInterpolation - Gets an interpolation matrix that maps between 
499:    grids associated with two DAs.

501:    Collective on DA

503:    Input Parameters:
504: +  dac - the coarse grid DA
505: -  daf - the fine grid DA

507:    Output Parameters:
508: +  A - the interpolation matrix
509: -  scale - a scaling vector used to scale the coarse grid restricted vector before applying the 
510:            grid function or grid Jacobian to it.

512:    Level: intermediate

514: .keywords: interpolation, restriction, multigrid 

516: .seealso: DARefine()
517: @*/
518: int DAGetInterpolation(DA dac,DA daf,Mat *A,Vec *scale)
519: {
520:   int            ierr,dimc,Mc,Nc,Pc,mc,nc,pc,dofc,sc,dimf,Mf,Nf,Pf,mf,nf,pf,doff,sf;
521:   DAPeriodicType wrapc,wrapf;
522:   DAStencilType  stc,stf;

528:   DAGetInfo(dac,&dimc,&Mc,&Nc,&Pc,&mc,&nc,&pc,&dofc,&sc,&wrapc,&stc);
529:   DAGetInfo(daf,&dimf,&Mf,&Nf,&Pf,&mf,&nf,&pf,&doff,&sf,&wrapf,&stf);
530:   if (dimc != dimf) SETERRQ2(1,"Dimensions of DA do not match %d %d",dimc,dimf);
531:   /* if (mc != mf) SETERRQ2(1,"Processor dimensions of DA in X %d %d do not match",mc,mf);
532:      if (nc != nf) SETERRQ2(1,"Processor dimensions of DA in Y %d %d do not match",nc,nf);
533:      if (pc != pf) SETERRQ2(1,"Processor dimensions of DA in Z %d %d do not match",pc,pf); */
534:   if (dofc != doff) SETERRQ2(1,"DOF of DA do not match %d %d",dofc,doff);
535:   if (sc != sf) SETERRQ2(1,"Stencil width of DA do not match %d %d",sc,sf);
536:   if (wrapc != wrapf) SETERRQ(1,"Periodic type different in two DAs");
537:   if (stc != stf) SETERRQ(1,"Stencil type different in two DAs");
538:   if (Mc < 2) SETERRQ(1,"Coarse grid requires at least 2 points in x direction");
539:   if (dimc > 1 && Nc < 2) SETERRQ(1,"Coarse grid requires at least 2 points in y direction");
540:   if (dimc > 2 && Pc < 2) SETERRQ(1,"Coarse grid requires at least 2 points in z direction");

542:   if (dac->interptype == DA_Q1){
543:     if (dimc == 1){
544:       DAGetInterpolation_1D_Q1(dac,daf,A);
545:     } else if (dimc == 2){
546:       DAGetInterpolation_2D_Q1(dac,daf,A);
547:     } else if (dimc == 3){
548:       DAGetInterpolation_3D_Q1(dac,daf,A);
549:     } else {
550:       SETERRQ2(1,"No support for this DA dimension %d for interpolation type %d",dimc,dac->interptype);
551:     }
552:   } else if (dac->interptype == DA_Q0){
553:     if (dimc == 1){
554:       DAGetInterpolation_1D_Q0(dac,daf,A);
555:     } else {
556:       SETERRQ2(1,"No support for this DA dimension %d for interpolation type %d",dimc,dac->interptype);
557:     }
558:   }
559:   if (scale) {
560:     DMGetInterpolationScale((DM)dac,(DM)daf,*A,scale);
561:   }
562:   return(0);
563: }