Actual source code: mpiadj.h
1: /* $Id: mpiadj.h,v 1.8 2000/10/11 17:49:33 bsmith Exp $ */
3: #include src/mat/matimpl.h
8: /*
9: MATMPIAdj format - Compressed row storage for storing adjacency lists, and possibly weights
10: This is for grid reorderings (to reduce bandwidth)
11: grid partitionings, etc. This is NOT currently a dynamic data-structure.
13: */
15: typedef struct {
16: int *rowners; /* ranges owned by each processor */
17: int rstart,rend; /* start and end of local rows */
18: int nz;
19: int *diag; /* pointers to diagonal elements, if they exist */
20: int *i; /* pointer to beginning of each row */
21: int *j; /* column values: j + i[k] - 1 is start of row k */
22: int *values; /* numerical values */
23: PetscTruth symmetric; /* user indicates the nonzero structure is symmetric */
24: PetscTruth freeaij; /* call PetscFree() on a, i,j at destroy */
25: } Mat_MPIAdj;
27: #endif